First, the numbers:
- 4,188 tow miles (the 4th-longest trip I have taken, after the GTW, STE and STW).
- 5,911 truck miles
- 51 nights
- 20 hops (shortest: 64 miles, longest: 367 miles)
- $2,453 in campground fees ($48.10 per night)
- 644.7 gallons of diesel fuel consumed for a total fuel expenditure of $1,989 ($3.09 per gallon average price)
- Average MPG: 9.2
- Finding my brother in Ellsworth ME.
- Seeing high school friends in Madison WI.
- Viewing the battlefield at Vicksburg MS.
- The Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton OH.
- The Escapees Chapter 3 rally at Hermon ME.
- The two truck breakdowns (Hermon ME and Lowman NY. Both turned out to be minor problems but they caused me a lot of stress. The Lowman breakdown, which was at the end of a very stressful hop where I encountered a closed road and had to scramble to find a 25-mile detour) was particularly stressful. Arguably the worst day of RV travel that I have experienced in my 9 years on the road.
- Hurricane Henri in New York.
- PetSmart’s refusal to groom Rusty in Iowa.
But, overall, not a bad trip. Other than the hurricane the weather was good and, other than the tows, the truck ran great. I suppose both of those fall into the “Besides that, Mrs Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?” category. But the possibility of making the grand tour of all 30 MLB parks next summer remains alive.
Plan vs actual maps:

The only major change in TS7-1 was dropping the Vermont stop.

There were a lot of changes to campgrounds in TS7-2 but the only major route change was dropping Omaha.

Again, there were a lot of campground changes and two major route changes: dropping the stops near New Orleans due to the area still cleaning up from Hurricane Ida and adding an Ocala stop to deal with some family matters.
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