I have not seen Ooma, communicated with her or even thought about her – except briefly when passing by her street on my way to softball, or during my few clandestine visits to the Buckingham Blues Bar (where I am still banned, thanks to her) – in over a year. I have not mentioned her in this blog since January 12, 2024. So imagine my surprise when I found the following comment on that blog entry yesterday (edited slightly to soften the threats):
For two years, a friend has told me that Sparky continues to malign my name on his blog. This is a warning to Sparky to leave me off his blog and not post anymore about me. Far too many of my friends know his nickname for me which is Ooma. The next time my friend tells me that my name has been mentioned on this blog, I will post on this site again and I will post the reason that I ended my relationship with him. I choose not to post it here now because I’m a better person than he is and I will give him a third chance to leave me alone. I will not be lied about any longer in any fashion. So Sparky here is your third warning to leave me alone.
Quite an attack considering I have not mentioned Ooma in more than a year. Indeed, I was leaving her alone. So why message me now? Like the rest of my brief relationship with her, this message baffles me. I have no idea what is running through her strange brain.
She obviously doesn’t know me very well if she thinks I would respond positively to this kind of threat. So, Ooma, here it is – your nickname in my blog once again. Do your worst. Prove what I already know – I am a better person than you. How will I respond if you attack me? I don’t know. Do you want to find out?
I must correct one error in this message: she did NOT end our relationship unilaterally. It ended in July, 2022, in MA, by mutual agreement. Neither of us wanted to continue a relationship that had become toxic. We finished the trip back from New England on good terms, I thought (see my TS8 summary), visiting some nice places along the way and even seeing her sister in Alabama. She even sent me a thank-you note that called it “the road trip of a lifetime.”
My many reasons for ending our relationship were documented in a blog post in March, 2023.
She tried to rekindle our relationship in November, 2022, but when I rejected that attempt, she turned hostile and absurdly tried to obtain a restraining order for stalking based on a single chance encounter we had in downtown Ft Myers in October 2022 – a month before she tried to get me back! Yes, she tried to rekindle a relationship with a guy that she later said had been stalking her! Does that make any kind of sense? It didn’t to me. I resolved to never see her again, never talk to her again. I have moved on; apparently, she is unable to do the same.
By posting a comment like this on my blog she reinforces my opinion that she is the most despicable person I have ever known. Ooma: please go away and stop harassing me.