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Greetings from Cozumel

Posted by on February 5, 2012

Jett and I, along with Jett’s sister, made it to Cozumel yesterday.  It wasn’t easy as we had to roust ourselves out of bed at 3am and the flights were packed, as usual.  But we got to the hotel (the Occidental Grand Cozumel) unscathed and immediately started enjoying the life of leisure.  We were tired, of course, but Jett found enough energy to enter and win a blackjack tournament.

Which may not be as impressive as it sounds as there were only 6 participants and the grand prize was a T-shirt.  But a win is a win and it certainly got Jett’s vacation started right.

I don’t have any photos uploaded yet, but they will follow.  I’m sure that if I could drive the rig to Cozumel we would visit every year.  But we will probably have to content ourselves with a week every few years, to take a vacation from our vacation.

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