219 miles via MA 2, I-91, I-90, I-87, I-88 and NY 28. Cumulative distance: 324 miles.
This hop was mostly on interstate highways and was (thank God!) uneventful. The day was sunny, the sky was dotted with happy puffy clouds and birds were singing. All was well with the world.
But that would be too boring. There is another slight “ding” to report (it seems like it is a ding a day, which, as Dave Barry would say, would be a good name for a rock band – the Dingadays), but to the truck this time. As we left the campground at noon and traversed the rather rough road to the exit, the back corner of the truck came in contact with the suspended pin support bars on the underside of the fiver, snapping off a plastic corner piece. Trivial, really. But annoying.
Can’t we have just ONE incident-free day?
I have to say that the Catskills are really beautiful. We passed many farms and homes that could be fodder for a pastoral painter.
Our home for the next two nights is the Beaver Valley Campground in Milford, NY, just a few miles from the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Initial impression: best campground yet. The grounds are immaculate, the restrooms spotless and the campsites very well provisioned and maintained.
I am writing this on Tuesday morning and the rain is pouring down. But we don’t really care: it is a museum day.