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GTW Hop 7: Luray, VA, to Hillsville, VA

Posted by on October 4, 2012

207 miles via US 340, I-81 and VA 100. Cumulative distance: 1,078 miles.

GTW Hop 7: Luray VA to Hillsville VA

We traveled to Hillsville for one reason and one reason only: it was just over 200 miles from Luray. We have determined that we don’t want to travel more than 230 miles in a day, that being the comfortable limit of a tank of fuel when hauling the fiver. It is also the comfort limit for Jett’s back.

Hillsville will be a 1-night stay, the first of several that we have planned.  Tomorrow will be another.  There will be several more in Texas and probably another in Oregon.

The trip route was simple: up US 340 (which took us over a ridge into the next valley), down I-81 for several hours, then a few miles on VA 100 to our RV park.  It wasn’t a difficult route and contained just one tight right turn, in New Market, just before we got onto I-81.  Unfortunately, I took the turn too tight, clipped the curb and blew out a tire.  Yup, two blowouts in two weeks.  So two of the tires that I thought would get us to California are now history.  I will have to get another tire when we get to Knoxville tomorrow.

Are tires cheaper by the dozen?

The good news, once again, was the kindness of strangers.  A couple of county employees working nearby saw the blowout, called the local police (who arrived promptly and set up some orange cones) and suggested that I go talk to Junior at the Exxon on the corner.  I did and Junior sent a guy over to change the tire.  We were back on the road 35 minutes and $25 later.

We met a lovely couple at the campground – Jack and Barb from Delaware – and spent a very pleasant couple of hours sitting by their campfire and getting some useful advice from some seasoned RVers.  It was a great way to finish what was otherwise a trying day.


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