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Getting away from it all

Posted by on April 24, 2013

Jett and I love Mexico. It gets a lot of bad press with the drug violence, but everyplace we have been has been safe, beautiful and fun. There is an air of freedom in Mexico that I haven’t felt many places in the US. It is a good place to get away from it all.

We own a timeshare which means that we are required to take a vacation at least once every two years, whether we need it or not. As the timeshare is based in Mexico, our best travel options are in Mexico, which is fine with us. We sometimes exchange the week through RCI which gives us choices all over the world, but we usually wind up back in Mexico anyway. It is just our favorite vacation destination.

Because we were already in California, this was a good year to experience Baja California. That huge peninsula doesn’t offer a lot of prime vacation choices as it is mostly sparsely populated desert, but it does have one destination which is superb: Cabo San Lucas, at the tip of the peninsula. So Jett and I are in Cabo, checking it out. So far we like it. It is a beautiful place with some great resorts and fine restaurants. It also has a vibrant night life, if you are into that.

We are staying at the Playa Grande Resort and Spa which is, in a word, spectacular.

I promise that I will post some photos soon, but I hit a snag with that yesterday: I ruined my camera. My NEW camera. I waded into the Pacific with it in the pocket of my swimsuit. Salt water is death to digital camera electronics. I dried it out, but it is still dead today. I think the photos on the memory card are ok and we will look for another camera today, but in the meantime I have no way to get the photos to my computer.

A $200 dip into the Pacific.

As dips in the ocean go, it wasn’t even that nice. One of the things you DON’T go to Cabo for is a swim in the ocean. The Pacific, even at the Tropic of Cancer, is cold and the surf is heavy. It is not a pleasant swim. The pools are wonderful, but the ocean is not. It was so chilly that we are having second thoughts about snorkeling.

The beach at our hotel is a beautiful white strand of silky sand. And raging surf that is downright dangerous. You are warned against even dipping your toes in the water as a wave could sweep you out to sea. Look but don’t touch.

I have pictures of this beach. If I can get them off the memory card I will post them here.

UPDATE: I was able to successfully retrieve the photos off from the soaked memory card, but not until we got back to California. I wrote a series of posts (look ahead to early May) that covers our vacation in detail.

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