First, one of the bunkhouse slides sprung a leak. Beginning with a heavy rain in May, we found a large, very wet spot in the bunkhouse due to water seeping in – somehow – through the slide seals. We have experimented with putting duct tape over seams and seals on the slide, without success. There is no water on the ceiling or the walls – it seems to be entering from UNDER the slide. We have discovered that bringing the slide in about 8″ during a heavy rain stops the leak, which gives us a way to deal with it, but I still have no clue as to what is leaking. Very puzzling. And damaging – it has left a nasty stain on the bunkhouse carpet.
Then we found that the other bunkhouse slide was also leaking, albeit in a different way. This leak presents as a wet spot in the corner behind the bunk. It is not nearly as severe as the other leak and it different as it appears above the bunk floor rather than below. But it is still very annoying.
The third leak was discovered in the bedroom closet. At least this one was easy to diagnose – an inspection of the roof revealed an open seam above the closet area. I patched it with roof cement and that one seems to be fixed.
Just so it wouldn’t be left behind, the sink also sprung a leak. Looks like the seal around the drain has opened a bit, which causes water to drip under the sink if we fill it with water. I think I can fix this by applying a clear waterproof sealant around the seam. But I haven’t done it yet.
Owning an RV seems a lot like owning a house.