Patience in storage
Sad, but true – we are out of the RV and back in our house in Medford, MA. We put the house up for sale in early September and agreed that if it didn’t sell by the end of October we would reside there over the winter (ugh!), fix the place up a bit and get it back on the market in the spring. Well, we didn’t get any serious offers so we made the move and put the RV in storage. The photo on the right is Patience, looking sad and forlorn next to a rusted-out Bounder. We will get an RV cover for it before the end of November.
So this was the first time that I had to “winterize” the RV, which really meant getting the water out of the lines. I chose the “blow air” through the lines method rather than the “fill the lines with antifreeze” method, but relied on my strong lungs to empty the lines. That has worked in the past with the lawn sprinklers at the house, but I don’t have a lot of confidence that I did it well enough. I will try again when we put the cover on it.
Being back in the house is weird. We are now used to living in 400 sq ft, so suddenly having 2200 sq ft available seems excessive. I love having the yard – no more early morning dog walks – but dread getting the heating bills. And since we don’t have much furniture, the place looks empty. We are resisting doing anything that has a permanent feel to it – like getting cable TV or a sofa – and are trying very hard to not acquire anything that won’t fit in the RV. We had to cancel our FL campground reservations, but left the deposit with them. We still have a faint hope that the house will sell before spring and we will be able to dig Patience out of the snow and escape. It it unlikely, but we can dream.
The other thing I am enjoying about the house is the commute. I can now get to work in under 45 minutes – half the time it took to get there from Littleton. That is an extra 90 minutes each day that I can use for things like… blogging.
If you know of anyone who would like a nice 4-bedroom 1.5-bath house in Medford, MA, please send them our way.
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