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Good thing it ain’t Massachusetts

Posted by on January 29, 2016

The swollen Potash Creek

The swollen Potash Creek

Last winter in Massachusetts we got buried under 100-plus inches of snow. This winter, in Florida, we have gotten over 14 inches of rain – in December alone. If we got this precipitation in Massachusetts we would have over 140 inches of snow. That would be worse. But the rain is bad enough.

I haven’t golfed in over 3 weeks, my Thursday softball game got rained out and the stream in the RV park is just about to overflow its banks.

We are going to spend next week on a houseboat. Hopefully we won’t get swept out to sea on the raging waters. But at least I won’t have to worry about pulling the boat out of the weeds – and getting eaten by leaches – like Humphrey Bogart in The African Queen.

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