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RV water torture

Posted by on June 10, 2016

An update on the water overflow problem. To synopsize… we started experiencing a steady drip from a spigot at the rear of the RV undercarriage way back in mid-April. We determined that the problem was, in essence, due to the fresh water tank overflowing when we were attached to city water. In that configuration no water should flow into the fresh water tank. We managed the problem by using the fresh water tank (and the rather noisy water pump) until the tank was empty, then switched to using the city water until the tank became full again.

That worked, but was a pain in the neck. It necessitated me switching the inflow valve several times a day – sometimes late at night in my pajamas. Plus we had to deal with the unpleasant noise and vibration of the water pump (think jackhammer next door). It was noisier inside the RV than outside, but Jett still didn’t want the pump to go on late at night, for fear of bothering our neighbors. So we often brushed our teeth at night using bottled water.

Inconvenient, to say the least.

Enter Peter, an RV repair guy. He correctly diagnosed the problem as a faulty inflow valve (we thought it might have been a faulty water pump, so the diagnosis was good news). He got a replacement cartridge for the valve, installed it and… no effect. The tank continued to overflow. So he got a brand new valve assembly and installed it. No effect. Or possibly worse. He was puzzled and so was I. To demonstrate the issue, he ran some tests with me watching and demonstrated that water was still leaking. He fiddled with the knob a few times and found a position in which the water did not leak. He left it in that position and said he would call the manufacturer to discuss the problem. The water did not leak for an entire day, so Peter suggested that I turn the knob a few times to find a position in which it leaked again and, perhaps, find a position in which it reliably did not leak at all.

So I fiddled. And fiddled. And was unable to make the leak reappear. I wish I could feel good about that, but I have an uncomfortable feeling that I still don’t understand the problem. And that it will show up again.

Peter and I continue to scratch our heads and look for root causes. So far the most likely one is: demon possession.

I don’t think this is the end of the problem. But in the meantime I will enjoy the “fix”.

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