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TC1 Days 10 & 11: Funchal, Madeira (Portugal) and at sea

Posted by on April 14, 2018
Jett in Funchal

Jett in Funchal

On Day 10 (Thursday) we awoke with the ship docked in Funchal, Madeira, an island off the coast of Morocco which is owned by Portugal. We had nothing planned for the day, so after a leisurely breakfast we left the ship just to feel solid ground after more than a week at sea. I had no real expectations and no plans for any specific sights to see, so we boarded the free shuttle to downtown and simply strolled around for a bit. We dined at an inexpensive restaurant near the harbor and had some sandwiches served on some of the most flavorful mini baguettes that I have ever tasted. A real treat, particularly after a week of bland breads on board the ship.

I took a lot of photos but we bought nothing other than lunch. Until we got back to the ship, at which point Jett found a small cork purse that she simply had to have. So we laid out 30 euros (about $40) for a purse.

My impressions of Funchal… very pretty, very clean, very affordable. I enjoyed the few hours there very much. I did not have any Madeira wine, but I did have a glass of “poncha” at lunch, which is like an alcoholic orange/lemon drink. I am told that it is made from passionfruit, but it tasted like orange and lemon to me. It was okay but I won’t order it again.

The day ended on a sour note with Jett feeling sick immediately after returning to the ship. The illness rapidly developed and she skipped dinner that night. I went to the dining room alone and had a french onion soup with shredded beef – a first for me. I had spaghetti puttanesca for an entree (good) and something forgettable for dessert. I tried to attend the late show, but it was canceled due to high seas.

Yes, high seas. The ride into Madeira was a bit bumpy, but the ride out was worse. As soon as we left the harbor the ship began to rock violently. The captain said that 30 mph winds were forecast to hit the port side all night and the following day and the resulting roll was too much for the dancers. Show cancelled.

The evening was uncomfortable for me and worse for Jett who remained very sick. The following day (Friday, Day 11) was worse. The captain reported that the winds were even worse than forecast, topping 45 mph sustained – gale force winds. We stayed in our cabin all day and I barely managed to avoid upchucking. Jett remained feverish and generally miserable. The winds calmed a little in the evening, but the ship still lurched about. Not a good evening.

FX restaurant

FX restaurant

Flowers on the lamposts

Flowers on the lampposts

Mosaic sidewalks

Mosaic sidewalks

Military museum

Military museum

The Oosterdam at rest

The Oosterdam at rest

Funchal from the ship

Funchal from the ship

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