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TC1 Day 20: Cartagena, Spain

Posted by on April 24, 2018
Music in the plaza on Sunday

Music in the plaza on Sunday

Day 20 (Sunday) was a waiting game – waiting for the extraction trip to begin. Jett was feeling a bit better, so she went down to the hotel bar for coffee and to write letters while I blogged. Then I joined her and we strolled down the street (a nice, sunny day, about 70 degrees). We made it as far as the Roman theater, which made me feel good because it meant that Jett got to see something that qualifies as a tourist site on this disaster of a trip. We had lunch at a cafĂ© along the way and dropped in on a Sunday afternoon party with live music in San Francisco Plaza.

Main road of Roman Cartagena

Main road of Roman Cartagena

We also visited the remains of the first-century AD Roman roads that marked the center of Cartagena. We took a break at the intersection and tried to imagine what that corner might have looked like in the time of Christ. Quite different, I am sure.

One of the better days of the trip.

We had several messages from Tish in the morning which proved that she was doing her best to improve the itinerary, but, as expected, was not having any success. By noon the opportunity to switch the itinerary disappeared as I had to commit to taking the room for Sunday night.

In the afternoon we sat in the sun at the outside area of the hotel bar and I had a beer. Then we went upstairs to nap. We hoped to get to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner but, being Sunday, most places were closed. So we dined at the bar again then went back to the room to await the arrival of the van that would take us on the 3-hour trip to the airport in Valencia. We tried to sleep but were not successful.

By 12:30 am we were packed, had checked out of the room and were waiting in the lobby.

We were not looking forward to the trip, but it was time to get this disaster of a trip behind us.

Town hall?

Town hall?

Strolling the pedestian mall

Strolling the pedestian mall

Gran Hotel

Gran Hotel

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