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Printing the blog

Posted by on August 12, 2018

I haven’t been blogging much lately, partly because there hasn’t been a lot to blog about (I have been doing a lot of genealogy and the weather has been terrible, so I have been sitting inside, on the computer, a lot).  But I recently finished a time-consuming second pass through my ancestors and have started visiting some cemeteries.  I have also, in the past week, been spending a lot of time figuring out how to get this blog into print.  Jett has been “encouraging” me for some time to get this done.  So… I am now doing it.

I was hoping that I could just contract with some service that could print directly from the files on  However, my attempt at doing this failed and, in retrospect, might not have been a great idea to start with, because a blog doesn’t necessarily translate to print form very well.  I then found a service that was just a publisher – I send a PDF file and they will print and bind it.  So I started looking into how much effort would be involved to produce a PDF from the contents of the blog.

I decided that I wanted a separate volume of each year of the blog.  I started the blog in October 2011, so the 2011 volume would be small and would be a good test.  Over the course of two days, I produced a PDF file containing all of my 2011 posts.  It came out to 26 pages.  I sent it off and ordered 10 copies at a total delivered cost of about $58.  Now I am working on 2012, which will likely be over 100 pages.  If the 2011 book looks good I will be ready to publish 2012 by the time I get it.

Then 5 more volumes, probably each over 100 pages.

Good thing the weather sucks because I will be spending a lot of time indoors over the next couple of months.

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