More than a year after I started on the shed skirt, I finished it. I had to wait for the plumbing to be installed and that was done last week. So here they are, the two previously unskirted sides now proudly skirted:

This was more work than I expected, due mostly to the large number of cutouts that I had to make in the 2×4 frame. Both the hurricane anchors and the plumbing connections were positioned so close to the edge that I had to carve out big chunks of wood to fit the frame around them. And because the frame was weakened by the cutouts I felt compelled to add more braces. Anyway, it turned out to be a big, sweaty job that was done mostly on my knees. My knees objected to the abuse and I felt it last night. They seem to have forgiven me overnight, though.
Framing the side
Framing the front