178 tow miles via I-81, I-84, US 6 and local roads. 179 truck miles. Cumulative tow miles: 1,368. Cumulative truck miles: 1,739.
One extra truck mile to fill up.
Yes, it’s true: Over 1,300 tow miles and we are back in Florida again. But this Florida is much cooler (68 degrees right now).
If there was a hop to test the health of the truck on this trip, this was it. Both I-81 and I-84 are very hilly. The engine was put to the test. And passed. No problems whatsoever.
I was tempted to use the alternate route that was 31 miles shorter (see the map above). But it saved no time and a close look at it revealed that it was 145 miles on narrow roads, some of them without shoulders or center lines. Too much stress.
Our one night in Jonestown was spent at the Jonestown / Hershey KOA. If not for the pandemic we would have stayed longer. It has been many years since I have been to Hershey and I am not sure Jett has ever been there. We also had a chocolate request from daughter-in-law Cristina. Sorry, Cristina – we didn’t get there.
The campground is very nice, though we didn’t take advantage of the mini golf, the pool, the restaurant or any of the other amenities.
I am seeing a pattern on how the campgrounds are dealing with the pandemic. They are closing the office and transacting nearly everything online or over the phone. When an escort to the site is offered, it is a masked person who stays far away and motions us to follow. Being careful.
One hop of just over 200 miles remaining.