So that turbocharger problem… remember? The leaks in the uppipes to/from the turbocharger that were spewing hot gases and causing those weird email messages to me during the trip north? We got to MA successfully, but not without some angst. As soon as we arrived I started plotting the fix. The plan was to replace those parts ASAP, sell the truck in July and devote August and September to finding a replacement. Well, I found a candidate used truck – a very fine 2008 Ford F-450 dually – but failed to get the turbocharger fixed promptly. In fact, it didn’t get fixed until today.
It turns out that getting parts for a 16-year-old truck can be difficult. Who knew?
This work, for which the GMC dealer in VA gave me an estimate of $3500, was completed by a local mechanic (thanks, Josh!) for just over $1700. And that included replacing yet another fuel line and an oil change. So I am pretty pleased with the price. And maybe it is my wishful thinking, but now the truck seems to run more smoothly and with more pep.
I am keeping my fingers crossed that the truck is now ready to take us back to Florida.
I think that F-450 is going to have to find another home. Sorry, F-450.