222 miles via GA 204, I-95, I-295 (west of Jacksonville), US 17, FL 19, FL CR 314 and FL 40. 229 truck miles. 1506 cumulative tow miles, 1864 cumulative truck miles.
We made a short stop in a rest area in Georgia just to rearrange Jett’s pillows. Then on to Florida.
We encountered heavy traffic on US 17 in Jacksonville, a jerk who refused to give me the right of way at a merge a bit later on US 17 and a heavy rainstorm just before we arrived in Silver Springs. No truck problems and no low tire pressure thanks to our spare.
Yeah, I had to change the tire on the RV. Or try to, anyway. When I checked the tire pressure on the problem tire it was 15 psi – nearly flat. I started pumping it up again, thinking I could make it 90 miles to a planned rest area stop, but gave up that plan when I found the nail in the tire and could hear the air escaping.

So I tried to remove the lug nuts but found that anyone not named Superman would be unable to do so. So I called AAA but they wouldn’t help as I didn’t have trailer coverage. Then I called Good Sam and they sent a guy out who, ironically, arrived in an AAA vehicle. He got the tire changed in about 20 minutes. I will have to either get the tire fixed or replaced in Ft Myers. More likely replaced as all of the RV tires are showing wear after towing it over 20K miles.
We didn’t leave the campground until 1pm – about 2 hours after the official check-out time. But the park wasn’t anywhere near full and the office had no problem giving us a late check-out.
The campground where this drama played out was the Creekfire Motor Ranch – a fancy name for a very nice and very new campground in Savannah. This campground is so new that buildings and recreational facilities were still under construction. Most notable of the nascent recreational facilities was a water park(!) with a lazy river. That is something I have never seen before in an RV park.
I did a little more experimentation with the “Nightscape” setting on my phone. I continue to be impressed by both the sharpness of the image and the vividness of the colors in a photo taken in the dark.

2 Responses to TS6 Hop 8: Savannah GA to Silver Springs FL