203 miles, almost all on I-75. Cumulative tow miles: 395. Truck miles: 271. Cumlative truck miles: 463. The extra truck miles were due to the trip to Ocala to have dinner with my son.

This hop was about as simple as it gets: get on I-75 (the entrance ramp was less than a quarter mile from the campground), go just over 200 miles, get off and drive a mile to the campground. Hardly needed the GPS.

My two nights in Wildwood were at the Wildwood RV Village Campground, a huge RV campground conveniently located near I-75. Maybe a little too near as it is adjacent to a very busy Pilot truck stop which has 18-wheelers coming and going at all hours. So it isn’t a particularly quiet campground – at least for the transient pull-through sites which are located up front – but it met my needs.
The first night was spent with my son. I treated him to dinner at Southern Pig & Cattle, a BBQ place in Ocala. I had a brisket/ribs combo. Pretty good, but not great. On a par with Rib City, I think. We took our time with dinner and had a beer back at his place afterward.
I didn’t sleep well that night so the second day was pretty low-key. I took some leisurely walks around the campground with Rusty. And read. And blogged.

2 Responses to TN7 Hop 2 – Wildwood FL to Tifton GA