144 miles via MA 2, I-495 (northwest of Boston), I-95 and US 1. Cumulative tow miles: 144. Truck miles: 144. Cumulative truck miles: 144.
Yes, the Seventh Trip South (TS7) has officially begun. This was a fairly short hop but I opted to avoid the NH tolls via US 1 so it was a bit slower than necessary. The thing that made it difficult was the time of day: I departed Orange at 4:30pm and hit some rush hour traffic. I didn’t arrive in Saco until after 8pm so I had to set up in the twilight. But otherwise it was a pretty simple and straightforward trip.
Actually, one other thing made this hop difficult: exhaustion. I got just 2 hours of sleep then played 2 softball games in sweltering 90-degree heat before doing all the hitch-up work. I could barely keep my eyes open while driving.
Saco is just an overnight stop. On to Bangor tomorrow.