143 miles via I-70 and I-465 (southeast of Indianapolis). Cumulative tow miles: 1690. Truck miles: 153. Cumulative truck miles: 2383. The extra truck miles were from shopping and refueling.
This was an easy hop. Sunny skies, flat roads. But a lot of traffic, including a 15-minute delay at the start due to an accident on I-70. The refrigerator stayed on and the truck ran fine. A good day.
My stay in Brookville (near Dayton) was at the Dayton KOA Holiday. I like KOAs. They aren’t cheap and the sites are sometimes cramped, but they are always better than adequate and the staff is relentlessly cheerful. This KOA had some wonderful facilities and a lot of money was invested in making the place beautiful. But I didn’t use the wonderful bathhouse or pool. Or even enjoy the stream, pond or any of the many covered swings scattered around the property. No, what I used extensively was… the cable TV.

98 channels!
After a summer of no TV and a bunch of TS7 stops where the TV was OTA or non-existent, I got a smorgasbord of crystal-clear cable TV in Brookville. A good thing I had it, too, because it rained most of the time I was there. I hunkered down with Rusty (who is slowly recovering from his diarrhea) and vegged out on Boob Toob. I got to watch the final Patriots pre-season game live!
Pretty darn exciting.