Yes, there is an Omaha in Arkansas. I was surprised, too.
224 miles via I-470 (south of Kansas City), I-49, MO-7, MO-13, I-44 and US 65. Cumulative tow miles: 2833. Truck miles: 308. Cumulative truck miles: 4158. The extra truck miles were primarily due to a not-very-interesting auto tour of the KC area.
You probably won’t be surprised to hear that there is a lot of up-and-down on the roads through the Ozarks. As a result my mileage was pretty poor on this hop with my low fuel light appearing after just 210 miles. But I made it to the destination and then drove 10 miles back north to refuel (over 30 gallons – that doesn’t happen often).
The weather was nice, the roads were generally good (except for those dang hills) and the refrigerator stayed on. So a good hop.
My home is suburban Kansas City was at the Longview Campground, a county park in Lee’s Summit. This is a small campground – fewer than 50 sites. The RV sites are huge, surrounded by lots of open space. I originally booked for only 2 nights then decided to extend it to 4 nights. But my first site was not available for the extra nights so I had to move halfway through my stay. Maybe my shortest “hop” ever – right next door.

The campground has fewer than 10 full-hookup sites, so I felt fortunate that I was able to snag two for my stay. But the campground was only about half full, which I found surprising.
Though located on a lake, I never really saw it. If there is a beach or boat access, they are well-hidden. But I wasn’t there to swim or boat, so no big deal. It might have made for some nice photos, though, if the water had been visible.
One of my neighbors was a Bible-thumping widow who was in training to become a missionary. I am not normally drawn to conservative Christians but she was quite attractive and very interesting (e.g., she used to be a golf pro). Chatting with her brightened my dog walks.