I think I have mentioned that both of my bathroom faucets were useless for the entire 51 days of the TS7. The upper bathroom faucet was useless even longer – it was reduced to a dribble mid-summer. So my first RV maintenance priority when I got to Ft Myers was to fix the faucet problem.
Which I did. For $553.
Yes, that is expensive for replacement of two faucets. And it doesn’t include the cost of the replacement faucets (about $130), so the total cost was close to $700. But it does include a $130 remote service call charge. And the bulk of the 2.5 hours of labor (at $120 per hour) was to get and install in-line cutoff valves on the four faucet lines (2 hot, 2 cold) and the upstairs toilet. I figured that it would be worth the cost to put cutoffs on the lines. I know why they weren’t there when I bought the RV – Heartland wanted to save a few bucks on the construction cost – but needing to shut off the water supply to the entire RV every time some fixture needed to be changed was just stupid.
The cost also included an hour for the repair guy to run to Home Depot to get the right cutoff valves. I had tried to get them myself, based on his description, but utterly failed. I got two different types but they were both wrong. So chalk up $120 to my incompetence.
So, a pricey repair. But it feels damn good to have running water in my bathroom sinks again. I now go into a bathroom occasionally, just to see the water run. A cheap thrill that wasn’t so cheap.