If you have been paying attention you will have noticed that, during our month in Worcester MA, we have been doing a lot of traveling to other places in New England. Three days in Portsmouth NH, 2 days in the Berkshires, 2 day trips to CT, a day trip to Wilmington MA and a day trip to NH. Also, an outing to a WooSox game. All documented in previous posts. And all of this while Ooma has been less than 100% healthy due to her third bout with COVID.
But what else have we done?
Well, we had some quiet days at “home” (the house loaned to us for the month by Jett’s brother, Ray, and his lovely and talented wife, Kim) which involved a lot of reading and Facebook time. Ooma did get out twice to get her hair and nails done. I did a solo trip to visit Jett’s grave in Rockport MA and 2 visits each with my son and my granddaughter. But we also did some fine dining:
- Peppercorn’s Grille & Tavern. This was a random choice when we were out one day and needed a place for lunch. This turned out to be a fine choice: really tasty sandwiches and a large selection of craft beers.
- Siam 9 Thai Cuisine. Ooma wanted scallion pancakes and this place has them. Very good ones, in Ooma’s opinion. This was a dinner out with Ray and Kim. Very good Thai food.
- The Sole Proprietor. This may be Worcester’s best restaurant. We dined out with Ray and Kim and Ooma and I agreed that it was some of the best seafood we have ever had.
- John Brewer’s Tavern. This is a place for basic pub fare but is a convenient place to meet up with my son, Frank.
- Kimball Farm. This was just for ice cream, but they make the best ice cream anywhere, IMHO.
- Dinner at Ray and Kim’s cabin in New Salem MA. Kim is a fantasic cook and her meals are every bit as good as those served at 4-star restaurants. She served “lamburgers” – hamburgers made from chopped lamb. Delicious!
- Our own cookouts. We are no slouches when it comes to grilling. We had at least 4 steak dinners, plus a ham steak cookout.

Needless to say, I lost no weight in August.
We also had one “cultural” outing – to the Worcester Art Museum.

I had the honor of getting granddaughter Liliani’s ears re-pierced. She was a trouper and the new studs look very nice.

Bottom line: we were very busy during our month in Worcester. But none of it would have been possible without the generous assistance of Ray and Kim. Thank you!