Yes, I am 73 and graduated high school 55 years ago. The TS8 detour to Wisconsin on our way back to Florida was due, primarily, to a desire to attend the reunion. It turned out to be a pleasant and relatively lively event (as lively as an event involving septuagenarians can be). Good food, good conversation. Most of my old (literally) classmates looked pretty good. But the board showing all the classmates who have died (about 60 of the 350) was sobering. You can’t look at that without wondering “is this my last reunion?”
The main event was Saturday evening. Before the event I played 18 holes of golf. I did poorly, as expected, but did get one birdie, which was very much unexpected. I don’t think I have had a birdie in over 5 years. I had to sink a 50-foot putt to accomplish the feat. But my golfmates – George and Bob – ended up getting a birdie each, so it was birdies all around. That left a glow and some sore muscles which made me walk like an 80-year-old at the reunion. I am still a bit sore 3 days later. Ooma says that is a sign that I am out of shape. Hmmm.. she might have a point.