I was not going to go anywhere for Thanksgiving this year, much less across the continent to Oregon. But my sister convinced me that I needed to meet her grandchildren. So on Tuesday I flew to Charlotte (1.5 hours), then to Portland (5.0 hours) and drove 90 minutes to Tillamook OR, arriving at 10pm local time (1am my body time). Then my sister and I chatted for a couple of hours. Got to bed at midnight (3am body time). I was pretty tired.
Wednesday morning we took a 1-mile walk with my niece, Kim, her mother-in-law and her 2 children, at the local middle school. It was cool, by Florida standards, but very bright, which was somewhat unusual for Tillamook in November.
I took my sister and brother-in-law to lunch at the Blue Heron, one of the finest sandwich and salad places on the coast of Oregon. Then we did a bit of shopping for Thanksgiving dinner, after which I had a nap. Trying to catch up on the sleep I lost the day before.

Then the family started to arrive. My two nephews and niece, with 7 children between them, came for dinner. Pandemonium. But just a prelude to Thanksgiving Day when even more people would be present. We were treated to a very colorful sunset.