Another fine day at sea. The weather was beautiful and the ocean was calm – “like glass” according to Marlene. I did a lot of reading, finishing Chasing the Dime by Michael Connelly, and we managed to snag one of the slots for a caricature. That wasn’t easy. The “sign-up time” was posted on the calendar as 11:45 am, but we went down on Sunday at 11:45 and learned that to have a chance we would have to arrive before 11:15. We got in line Monday at 11:10 and got the last slot of the day, at 3 pm.
We killed time by having lunch and going to the casino (down $45 now). But we got the caricature done at 3 pm, had a nap and went to dinner. One of the perks of Marlene being a gambler is that we got a free bottle of wine at dinner. Marlene doesn’t drink wine, so I had it all to myself. A very nice sauvignon blanc from California.

The theater show was “Love and Marriage” where 3 couples of varying marriage lengths – 5 weeks, 10 years and 57 years – guessed the response of the other to provocative questions such as “What was the name of the husband’s last girlfriend before you were married? And what hashtag would you use to describe her?” The couple married for 57 years had an exact match – the full name and #townwhore. It was all very funny.
We then finished the evening at “Carnival Quest” which was an R-rated scavenger hunt with teams of 5 to 9 passengers. One of the requested items was “3 unused bras” and women actually disrobed to remove their bras. It is amazing what people will do on a cruise that they would never do at home.