My first week in residence at the home of Ray – Jett’s brother – and his wife, Kim, was mostly spent getting settled – shopping, washing clothes, etc – and enjoying not driving much (though I still had to get behind the wheel every day). Except for the first day when I spent the afternoon with Ray, I was mostly alone. The weather was unsettled. I got a sunny afternoon to play disc golf at Lake Tully but my trip to Kimball Farm to get a fried haddock bite dinner (superb!) was overcast. I was startled by a tornado warning one morning but no tornado materialized.

The big event, though, was three days at Ray and Kim’s cabin in New Salem MA, on the edge of the Quabbin Reservoir watershed. It is a serene setting, with constant activity at the hummingbird feeders. We took a 4-mile was to/from the reservoir one afternoon – good exercise that I sorely needed. And Kim – a fantastic cook – kept me well-fed.

On the last day at the cabin we buried Rusty’s ashes next to Cha-Cha and Grace.

Ray and I also made a trek to the Tree House Brewery in Deerfield MA to sample some fine craft beers. We had 48 to choose from. I had a peanut butter chocolate stout that was fantastic.

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