This is the 9th Coben book that I have reviewed. Haven’t found a bad one yet.
This is #11 in the series of Coben books that features Myron Bolitar, failed-basketball-star-turned-detective. As always, Bolitar is assisted in his endeavors by Win Lockwood III, an upper-crust skullcracker. This one actually features both as some of the chapters are in first-person, from Win’s perspective.
The story here is that 10 years ago the 6-year-old child of Win’s cousin was abducted, along with a playpal. But Win receives an anonymous letter that suggests the boys are alive and living in London. Win goes to London and tracks down a boy that he believes is the playmate. But before he can rescue him he encounters 3 toughs (who end up much the worse for meeting Win, of course) and young Patrick runs off. Win phones Myron who is happy to join his buddy in the search.
Patrick is eventually rescued and is reunited with his grateful parents. But there is no sign of Rhys, the missing son of Win’s cousin. Where is he? And is “Patrick” really Patrick? Patrick is not talking and the trail is very cold.
It is all resolved very neatly in the end, with some nice twists. Very satisfying, as always with Coben.
8 out of 10.