It is always sunny in Aruba. Except on the day we were there. It was cloudy all day and even rained a bit. I felt sorry for those people who had booked one of those high-priced beach or snorkeling excursions. They couldn’t have been pleasant.
As is our wont (or at least Marlene’s wont), we shopped. We didn’t really buy anything, but we spent about 4 hours considering things that we didn’t buy. Not my idea of a great time – I didn’t even get a beer. I did get a coffee cup.

Back on the ship I blogged, had a snack and then read a bit before dinner. I had pasta at dinner.
The casino was brutal. I lost $160 with nary a bonus in the time I played the slots – my only “bonus” was 12 free games which garnered me 25 cents. Down $280 for the cruise.