I don’t know what is in the “Funship Special” drink that you can get on a Carnival cruise, but they are deadly. I had about two and a half and ended up with the worst hangover that I have had in years. I slept until noon.

After a brief breakfast consisting mostly of coffee, Marlene and I went to the casino. It was exactly the opposite of the day before – very forgiving. And giving. I won $145, leaving me down $135 for the cruise. I was actually up by nearly $300 at one point, but you rarely finish at the top. Still, I was very happy to win back some of my losses. Marlene did well too but is still down much more than I am.
We weren’t in the casino all day. We spent some time on the Lido Deck in the bright sunshine. Then, believe it or not, we went to the gym to weigh ourselves (yes, we have gained weight), but we also walked a mile on the treadmill. It is a very nice gym with a view right over the bow.
It was formal night and we dined with Kay, Runette, Juan and Laurie. A very pleasant dinner.