Our last day of the cruise. We slept in. The big event was the “Platinum and Diamond Reunion”, an event only for Carnival’s most ardent cruisers. For the first time, I qualified to attend on my own merits. It isn’t much of a party – some music and a promo video from Carnival, then they bring out all the officers again. But it has an open bar. Both Marlene and I had two. Not a big deal as we both get free drinks in the casino, but there is some small thrill associated with getting a free drink.
We took a few photos after the event.

I don’t know why I go into the casino on the final day – I never win. Some did. One woman sitting near me won over $2,000. But I lost $165, ending the cruise down an even $400. But I am actually happy with that as I was down nearly $600 at one point but came back some.
Marlene lost even more.
We were tired and decided to wait until morning to pack. We set our alarms for 6 am.