I have always liked Roatan. Jett and I visited here at least twice and were even considering buying a vacation home here. That never happened, but the fond memories remain.
On those earlier cruises we docked in town. This time we docked at Mahogany Bay, a new port on the south side of the island. It is very similar to the other newer cruise ports – lots of shopping, a few restaurants and access to a beach. We didn’t use the restaurants or beach but did quite a bit of shopping. We didn’t buy anything other than 3 liters of rum, but a couple of hours browsing shops still qualifies as shopping.

After reboarding we spent some time in the casino, of course. It wasn’t a good day. I lost $95 on my own and, at Marlene’s suggestion, I contributed another $100 to a joint effort which failed spectacularly. Down $370.