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CV1 Days 11 and 12: Acworth GA

Posted by on May 25, 2024

We spent two days in Acworth (or, more accurately, a day and a half as we arrived late on Wednesday and left early on Friday), guests of Marlene’s son and his family. The purpose of the visit was to attend the high school graduation of Marlene’s grandson, Matt. We were able to do just that on Thursday afternoon, at a local megachurch which is affectionately called “Six Flags Over Jesus”. This church consists of 4 large buildings on a campus so large that many small colleges would be envious. The “worship center” where the event was held probably had a capacity of about 5,000. About 4,000 seats were taken, including almost 600 seats occupied by the graduating students. The affair was efficient with those nearly 600 names called and diplomas handed out in under an hour. The introductory comments by the administration, the salutatorian and the valedictorian were entertaining and brief. Well done, overall.

Then we had to leave. Getting thousands of cars out of the parking lot took as long as the ceremony.

We dined at Applebee’s where we took full advantage of the “Dollarita” promotion – margaritas for one dollar. They were pretty good. We each had two and the daughter-in-law had three. Seven margaritas for $7. Can’t beat that.

The rest of the time was family time. Reconnecting and catching up.

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