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CV2 Day 3: Nassau, Bahamas

Posted by on August 13, 2024
Marlene and Rachel

This was supposed to be Aruba. We aren’t big fans of Aruba but it is a better destination than Nassau. There were a lot of not-very-happy ship passengers wandering the streets of Nassau yesterday.

We visited Marlene’s favorite dress shop but she found nothing interesting. We had a frozen drink then visited the Straw Market. There are many – probably 100 or so – small vendor booths there, all selling the same tourist junk. But Marlene found a vendor selling a large tie-dyed T-shirt that could be made into a dress. That was different enough to interest her so she now has a tie-dyed T-shirt dress. I got a draft beer then we headed back to the ship.

It wasn’t an Elegant Night, but the dinner menu included some interesting options. I had the Beef Wellington. It was overdone (as opposed to the underdone filet mignon from the previous dinner) but it was still very tasty.

We hit the casino again after dinner. Again, Marlene won a bit and I lost my usual $100 (down $400). We didn’t get to the Vista Rockband which was playing country tunes.

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