I don’t know if I mentioned this, but Marlene has hoarding tendencies. She has WAY more stuff than she needs. Yes, I am a minimalist – that is one of the reasons that I have been perfectly happy living in a 400 square foot RV for 12 years – but she is the exact opposite. A maximalist? She has a 1,700 square foot 3-bedroom house. But it is crammed with so much stuff that I sometimes feel like my RV has more living space. She also has a shed and a 2-car garage, both filled with… stuff.
So it came as a great relief that, after 2 years of talking about it, she had a garage sale. It wasn’t a huge financial success – she netted just $125 – but she also took the opportunity to donate a lot of unsold items. And we reorganized the garage to create more open space. Those were the big wins from the day.
It was a lot of work, moving 4 racks of clothes, 3 tables and about a dozen totes out of the garage and into the driveway. And then moving them back in again at the end of the day. But she managed to eliminate the need for two of the tables and two totes, which, along with my superior organizational skills, yielded valuable free space in the garage.
She may do it again in a couple of weeks. I am all in favor of that!