Blog booklets 2017-2019 (TTN, NET, STW, STE, TN4, TS4, TN5)
It appears that I never posted links to the blog booklets from 2017 through 2019. I correct that omission here. Tip: to find booklets for earlier years, use the Search box in the right panel. Enter “booklets” and you should get a list with all of the posts containing the PDF links.
Theme update in progress
I have changed the theme to “Twenty Nineteen” which is last year’s default WordPress theme. I mostly like it – clean and crisp. It also has two of the widgets that I most wanted – an “Archives” widget so that you can go as far back as you want and a “Search” widget so you … Continue reading
WordPress upgraded, but…
I performed the dreaded WordPress upgrade today. It turned out to be a piece of cake. The blog backup took only a few minutes and the upgrade consisted of (1) deactivating plugins, (2) upgrading WordPress, (3) upgrading plugins, (4) upgrading themes and (5) re-activating the plugins. Each step took just a few minutes. Total time: … Continue reading
Gearing up for a blog upgrade
I am – or was – a professional software developer. I spent over 45 years developing commercial software, mostly of high quality. The term “development cycle” is one that I have heard so many times that it may be tattooed on my forehead. So why, in the 9 years since I started this blog, have … Continue reading