Jett’s folding wheelchair
While still in Florida, it became painfully obvious that Jett was going to need a wheelchair – first to get her north on the train and then to get around to her medical appointments and social engagements. The main requirement was that it be light – I didn’t want to wrestle with a full-size wheelchair … Continue reading
Honoring our veterans
Military Appreciation Month for 2019 started on January 4. I was never aware of any such month and, had I been aware, probably would have ignored it as I am not myself a veteran. However, the RV park where we now reside did not ignore it and, being home to quite a few veterans, scheduled … Continue reading
Sunsets in Fort Myers
One of the best things about southwest Florida, right behind the (usually) great weather, is the sunset. More often than not the sun sets in a blaze of color. Enough color to make you stop what you are doing and just watch. Free theater.
An unexpected boon of our new status as owners at Cypress Trail RV Resort is free internet. I had planned on finding out how to get hard-wired internet access while in residence, but was surprised to be handed a modem when we arrived at the gate. Free hard-wired internet! Woo hoo! The main reason for … Continue reading
Red Apple Farm
New England is littered with roadside farmstands. Most are quite good, with fresh vegetables, fruits and, in some cases, homemade jellies, jams and pies. A few offer self-picking of apples, blueberries, strawberries and other fruits. Some are so good with so many products and activities that they become destinations. Red Apple Farm, in Phillipston MA, … Continue reading
Our incendiary neighbors
I think I mentioned earlier that the Lamb City Campground is not the friendliest place we have ever been. We have not met many of our neighbors, in part because most are in residence only on weekends. Our back-door neighbors – the ones in the site behind and slightly above us – are here more … Continue reading
I have had sciatica before – back when we were living in Somerville, circa 2003. I got up one morning and just about collapsed from the sudden pain that shot down my leg. That episode was relatively short-lived, lasting just a couple of weeks, and was helped with exercise and PT. This time… more chronic. … Continue reading
Update on Jett’s health
Her most recent blood tests show that her hemoglobin is holding steady at a low-normal level. Her doctor is putting her on B12 supplements and will monitor her condition closely. So while we still don’t know the cause for the near-catastrophic drop in hemoglobin while on the cruise, the fact that it has recovered and … Continue reading
Retrospective on our 2017 travel experiences
We traveled a LOT in 2017. I have documented our day-to-day experiences under the labels of “Third Trip North” (TTN), “New England Tour” (NET), “Second Trip West” (STW) and “Second Trip East” (STE). From the time we left Florida (14 Apr 2017) to the time we returned (20 Nov 2017) – 220 days – the … Continue reading
UMASS Memorial Medical Center
Our summer in MA has consisted of (1) numerous visits with Jett’s family, (2) 4 months of hotel living at Extended Stay America (ESA) and (3) about one visit per week to the University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center. I have blogged previously about ESA and have mentioned her family several times – though not … Continue reading »