Relatively cold
January 2017 was beautiful in southwest Florida. Every day in the mid-80s, sunshine, light breezes. Absolutely dreamy. January 2018 has seen a few of those days, but has also seen rain, wind and freeze warnings. Nothing dreamy about this January. It is 48 right now – very cold for south Florida. Still, it is only … Continue reading
Things I don’t understand, wifi edition
We are staying in a place (Interior, SD) with almost no Verizon service. It takes minutes to get or send a text message. If a call is received (and Jett’s phone did ring once), the call is immediately dropped. I can’t use the internet on my phone. My phone’s hotspot is 100% dead. So why … Continue reading
NET wrapup
Today is the last day of the New England Tour (NET). Time to look back. By the numbers: 88 days in 8 different campgrounds. Towing miles: 471 over 7 hops. Cumulative truck miles: 4293. Campground fees: approximately $5,500 (about $62.50 per night). Yes, RV campsites in New England are expensive. Highlights: Seeing family. The NET … Continue reading
The beat(ing) goes on…
More rain. More gloom. More chill. With blustery wind today. Miserable, miserable weather. The forecasters say it will be nicer this weekend. But they may just be saying that to prevent mass suicide. 50 degrees at 1pm on June 6th. Sheesh.
Data plan
I have read some chronicles of full-time RVers from long ago – like way back in the 1980’s – and life for them was indisputably more difficult than it is for us. The RVs were less robust, the leveling systems were primitive, diesel fuel less available. Almost all bills had to be paid by mail … Continue reading
Our first workamping gig
“Workamping” was coined to describe those full-time RVers who earn a living while traveling by working at the campground at which they are staying. It is kind of like the Old West where itinerant laborers would work around the ranch for room and board. I don’t know how many people do it, but there are … Continue reading
Apple Island fauna
The Apple Island Resort is not exactly in the middle of nowhere; it is on US Route 2 – a heavily-traveled road – on the shores of Lake Champlain, just a few miles from Burlington, Vermont’s largest city. Yet I have been surprised several times by the sudden and unexpected appearance of wildlife of various … Continue reading
A good day
Tuesday was a good day. Beautiful weather, lots of errands accomplished (including washing the Yaris which was *covered* with pollen), winning at Hand, Knee and Foot. But the highlight was hitting a grand slam home run in softball. If that has ever happened before it was so long ago that I can’t recall it. And … Continue reading
Snowbird stress
The trip to Costco yesterday was unusually stressful. First there was a backup on I-75 caused by what appeared to be the end of a police chase: two black cars surrounded by 8 state patrol vehicles and troopers with guns drawn. Then, less than a mile later, another backup caused by a single-car accident. It … Continue reading
Farewell to the Yaris
We bought the Yaris in Nov 2013, shortly after we arrived in Ft Myers for our first Florida winter. It had become obvious that Jett was not comfortable driving the truck, so another vehicle was necessary. We considered leasing and even renting, but decided that purchasing would be the most economical option. We had the … Continue reading »