And the answer is… Vermont?
The question is: where will we be next summer? We were trying to find a workamping position (in which we work at the campground) somewhere in New England and right now the most likely place is a campground in northern Vermont, on Lake Champlain. It is not a done deal and is a bit further … Continue reading
Life in a can
Living in an RV is not, to me, much different than living in a small (but movable) apartment. It has all the comforts I need, with the possible exception of a laundry room (which we could have, but choose not to). However, when it rains heavily, as it did on Sunday, it is like living … Continue reading
STS wrapup
3,209 total driving miles, 2,011 total towing miles, 39 nights in 12 hops. This, of the 5 long-distance trips we have taken, had the most stress per mile. Yes, our first trip (GTW) began with a month of ding-a-day mishaps, but evolved into a very pleasant and relaxing 3-month cross-country adventure. This one began with … Continue reading
An introduction to the pumpkin patch lifestyle
When I was a kid Halloween was a one-evening event. You dressed up in some wacko costume, grabbed a large shopping bag and went out – without adults – and extorted as much candy booty from your neighbors as time and upper body strength would allow. Followed by a week of sugar overdosing. But now … Continue reading
We haven’t yet departed on the STS – the truck is still in the shop, with no promises yet on when we will get it back. So I will have to hire an RV hauling service to deliver it to Camping World, to get the repairs underway. Then we will have both the truck and … Continue reading
A farewell to Cambridge
If you are familiar with the Boston area, you know that Boston and Cambridge, though physically adjacent (separated only by the Charles River), are miles apart in atmosphere and attitude. Often called the “People’s Republic”, Cambridge is a left-wing paradise while Boston is more blue-collar. Hence I will bid a separate farewell to each. Though … Continue reading
Early retirement in name only
I was laid off on September 2. It is now September 20. So I have had 18 days to settle in to the “do nothing” lifestyle. Except that, so far, retirement has been more demanding than work. Every day has been busy from dawn to dusk. Much of my time has been devoted to transitional … Continue reading
Yes, I am still alive
Thanks for asking. I have not posted to my blog since July 26 – 6 weeks! But I have been busy. VERY busy. Mostly with work and our rental property, but also with planning our future. Just to catch you up on our plans: we are heading to Florida for the winter. We will be … Continue reading
A lifetime on a laptop
For those (few) readers who have noticed that I haven’t blogged lately, the reason is this: my laptop died. Yes, the Dell T5510 in which I had just invested about $100 to replace the screen and power cord decided that it was time to give up the semiconductor ghost. I used it in the morning, … Continue reading
Parade of Light
Fort Myers was the winter home of both Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, who were good buddies. To celebrate this claim to fame, Fort Myers puts on an annual “Parade of Light” – because Edison invented the electric light bulb, see? It is a nighttime parade which attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators. I decided … Continue reading »