Snowiest? Coldest? Why not both?
We have just put the month of February, 2015, into the record book here in Boston. And what a month it was! Yes, it was the snowiest month since meteorological record keeping began in 1891 – some 124 years ago. It obliterated the old record of 44.5 inches with a new total of 65.5 inches … Continue reading
Trolling for miles
My Visa account got hacked in early January. The hacker did the “can’t remember password” thing and managed to guess the answers to my (so-called) security questions, then changed my password. I was notified by email that my password had changed, but didn’t read the message until nearly a day after it happened. I immediately … Continue reading
A good time to travel
I just filled the truck’s tank: 26.5 gallons at $2.90/gallon. It would be a great time to be traveling. Which we aren’t of course. No, we were traveling when the price of diesel was hovering around $4.00/gallon. Just more bad timing on our part. We may be ruining the environment of North Dakota for future … Continue reading
Commuting – the lost opportunity
I have been commuting to work via commuter rail – 90 minutes each way – since we arrived back in Massachusetts in March. It is now the end of September and I am about to take my last ride and it now, belatedly, occurs to me that I have wasted those 3 hours each workday. … Continue reading
With our first night in Biloxi we added another state to our map, raising the total to 24. There are 48 contiguous states. You do the math.
The robins are gone
A week ago the RV park was overrun with robins. But for the past four days… none at all. The “glass is half full” people will take this as a sign that the birds have seen winter coming to an end and are heading north. The rest of you – the ones who are convinced … Continue reading
“Warming into the teens”
I am in Wisconsin this morning, having made a 1-day detour to attend my uncle’s funeral. I will be back in Florida tomorrow where the temperature will be 80. Here? It is currently -9 degrees. But, as the weather forecaster says so cheerfully, “it will be warming into the teens.” Hard to believe that I … Continue reading
Just her luck
Jett had cataract surgery on both eyes in December. This was a major accomplishment because we have been trying to get it done for over a year, but a series of screwups and changes in plans made it far more difficult than it should have been. We were going to have it done during the … Continue reading
R.I.P. Cha-Cha
Cha-Cha was born on the streets of San Juan in August, 2000, and for the first 4 months his grasp on life was tenuous. He was in a dog pound and was probably just a few days from execution when he was rescued by SATO who flew him north to the Sterling Animal Shelter in … Continue reading
“You guys don’t do shit around here”
We have had a brutal winter here in New England. Record cold, record snow. I have spent countless hours shoveling the driveway and the sidewalks. And once, early in the winter, I shoveled the street in front of my house, to make room for someone – a guest or a neighbor – who might need … Continue reading »