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One day more

Yes, it is a song from Les Miserables and it seems appropriate.  In the musical it marks the eve of the revolution, the solidification of a budding romance and the resolution of the years of conflict between Javert and Valjean.  Big events and, for some, their last day on earth.  For us it marks the … Continue reading »

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QTE post-mortem

The QTE was our first attempt at traveling long distances while I continued to work. The strategy was to travel only on weekends and for me to find a good internet connection during the week. So how did that work out for us? I think if I had to choose one adjective to describe the … Continue reading »

Categories: Commentary, QTE, RV Living | Leave a comment

A bombing too close to home

Like most Americans, I was shocked on Monday when two bombs shattered the festive Boston Marathon holiday. Like most Americans, I felt that it was, in some respects, a personal attack on me. Like most Americans, I cheered at the death of one bomber and the capture of the other Friday night. Like most Americans, … Continue reading »

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