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First cruise/auto combo vacation (2024)

CV1 Day 6: At sea

This was our last full day at sea and most of it was spent in the casino. We could have saved a lot of money if we had done other things. I had my worst casino experience ever: I lost $320 and ended the cruise down an even $600. It won’t break the bank, but … Continue reading »

Categories: Caribbean, Cruise, CV1 | Leave a comment

CV1 Day 5: Cozumel, Mexico

The day began with breakfast in the buffet and some blogging (through Day 4). Then we went ashore with the intent of going into downtown San Miguel which is pretty much the only city of any size on the island of Cozumel. But we never got there. Marlene and I had some kind of silly … Continue reading »

Categories: Cruise, CV1, Mexico | Leave a comment

CV1 Day 4: Belize

As you can see from the photo, it was rather hazy when we docked in Belize, near Belize City. The haze eventually wore off, but it was a hot and very humid day. Belize City is not a deep water port. Large ships need to dock about 2 miles from the city. The trip, via … Continue reading »

Categories: Caribbean, Cruise, CV1 | Leave a comment

CV1 Day 3: Roatan, Honduras

I have always liked Roatan. Jett and I visited here at least twice and were even considering buying a vacation home here. That never happened, but the fond memories remain. On those earlier cruises we docked in town. This time we docked at Mahogany Bay, a new port on the south side of the island. … Continue reading »

Categories: Caribbean, Cruise, CV1 | Leave a comment

CV1 Day 2: At sea

This was mostly a casino day but it also included an elegant dinner and a show on the ship. We spent a LOT of time in the casino. I lost $55 (down 175). But that loss was in spite of three separate slot machine bonuses of over $200 each. So on three spins I won … Continue reading »

Categories: Caribbean, Cruise, CV1 | Leave a comment

CV1 Day 1: Hop 1, Lehigh Acres FL to Tampa FL

We had to drive to Tampa to get on the Carnival Paradise for the first 6 days of this short vacation. We had to be on board by 3pm and we had to park the car and take a shuttle to the ship. But we couldn’t drive there directly from Lehigh Acres FL; we had … Continue reading »

Categories: Cruise, CV1, FL | Leave a comment

Cruise/auto combo vacation (CV1) preview

Yes, Marlene and I will be embarking on another cruise in just over a week. This is a 6-night cruise on the Carnival Paradise, going to several ports in the western Caribbean Sea, including Belize. We plan to take a rare shore excursion in Belize to do some tubing through caves. The three ports are: … Continue reading »

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