RV Living
Transponder use
We have had a transponder, used to pay tolls on the Massachusetts Turnpike and other MA toll roads, for nearly 10 years. Over time the region in which the transponder can be used has grown and now covers most of the northeast. We can now automatically pay tolls when driving the Yaris anywhere between Massachusetts and … Continue reading
A visit from Liliani
I finally got to spend some time with my granddaughter, Liliani, on Saturday. It has been 10 months since I last saw her, which is certainly not because I didn’t want to see her; it was a negative consequence of our decision to wander around New England this summer. It wasn’t until we got to … Continue reading
Rain. Cold rain.
It is raining now. It has been raining steadily since midnight. The forecast is for an all-day rain. With a forecast high of 48. It has rained nearly every day since we left Virginia. And it has been unseasonably cold, too. It is getting to us. Jett yesterday: “Next year let’s come north later.” That … Continue reading
And so it begins…
We will be leaving our home at Gulf Waters RV Resort in just a couple of hours. I have already mentioned how difficult this will be for us. We love this place and will miss it deeply. It is also the start of our first road trip without Grace and there will be additional sadness … Continue reading
Casino Night
Yet another fun night at Gulf Waters – Casino Night. A ticket ($15) bought $5000 worth of betting bucks and 5 raffle tickets. You could use them at blackjack, slots or, as I did, roulette. Two hours of play, then trade in your bucks for more raffle tickets ($1000 per ticket). About 40 prizes – … Continue reading
Jett and I learned yet another new game last night – Bunco. This is a game played with 3 dice. You can read the rules if you like, but it can be learned in about 2 minutes. We played with a group of 50 players at Gulf Waters RV Resort. There is money involved – … Continue reading
Long-range planning
We have about 2 months remaining on our winter stay in Fort Myers. So it is time to start planning… planning the trip north and then the trip out to Wisconsin for my 50th high school reunion. But we still have 16 states that we haven’t visited. We can hit four – OH, MI, IN … Continue reading
New flooring
Our RV is less than 2 years old, so the flooring that it came with was not worn out. However, Jett never liked the carpeting and, with 2 dogs who have had their share of “accidents” and a husband who tracks in a lot of dirt, the carpeting in the living room area was dirty … Continue reading
Pickle ball
My new sport is pickle ball. It is like playing ping pong while standing on a very large table. The court is the same size of a badminton court (44 x 20 feet) and the games are almost always foursomes. A tennis court is 78 x 27 feet, so the recreational space is more efficiently … Continue reading
NET wrapup
Today is the last day of the New England Tour (NET). Time to look back. By the numbers: 88 days in 8 different campgrounds. Towing miles: 471 over 7 hops. Cumulative truck miles: 4293. Campground fees: approximately $5,500 (about $62.50 per night). Yes, RV campsites in New England are expensive. Highlights: Seeing family. The NET … Continue reading »