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TC1 Day 12: Fatima and Lisbon, Portugal

Day 12, Saturday, was the day of our scheduled trip to Fatima. But Jett remained too sick to leave the cabin, so I went alone. Well, not alone, exactly. I was accompanied by three other couples and a very nice young tour guide and driver. On the 90 minute trip north to Fatima he kept … Continue reading »

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TC1 Days 10 & 11: Funchal, Madeira (Portugal) and at sea

On Day 10 (Thursday) we awoke with the ship docked in Funchal, Madeira, an island off the coast of Morocco which is owned by Portugal. We had nothing planned for the day, so after a leisurely breakfast we left the ship just to feel solid ground after more than a week at sea. I had … Continue reading »

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TC1 Days 8 & 9: At sea

The days are starting to blend together. The big event for me on Day 8 (Tuesday) was my first beer on board (not counting the beer tasting on Day 2). I read on the aft deck for much of the afternoon, finishing Speaking in Tongues by Jeffery Deaver (described in the previous post). I worked … Continue reading »

Categories: Adventures, TC1 | 2 Comments

TC1 Days 6 & 7: At sea

The sun returned for Day 6 (Sunday) which proved to be the most sedate day yet. We seem to be falling behind the clocks, which advanced another hour (3 hours in total now). We rose too late to make the Sunday brunch in the dining room, which began at 11:30 am. Instead we had our … Continue reading »

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TC1 Days 4 & 5: At sea

First I will report two technical successes. Due to the impending Hand, Knee and Foot training session, we needed to print a set of rules and some scoresheets. So I took the laptop down to Deck 1 where there was a “business center” with 3 computers and a printer and inquired at the service desk … Continue reading »

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TC1 Days 2 & 3: At sea

The first full day at sea was, as expected, quiet. At breakfast I tried the buffet scrambled eggs (terrible), bacon (good) and lox (excellent). I then, while waiting for Jett’s cappucino to be made, joined in on the attack on a 2,000-piece jigsaw puzzle. In the afternoon I attended an “international beer tasting” event that … Continue reading »

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TC1 Day 1: Embarkation

The process of embarkation – passing through the passport check, filling out health forms, checking in and receiving our on-board “keys” – went very quickly and we were aboard the ship in less than 30 minutes after our bus arrived at the dock (at 12:47 pm, to be precise). But the process contained an element … Continue reading »

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