As if imminent retirement wasn’t a sufficient reminder of my advancing age, I also have my 45th(!) high school reunion this weekend. It wasn’t all that long ago that I was a freshly-minted grad and the thought of the first reunion, five years down the road, seemed very remote. Oh, how time flies! This year … Continue reading
A journey of 6,000 miles…
… begins with 6-feet. Yes, folks, I have, for the first time, attached my big beast of a tow vehicle and have hauled my fifth wheel. Six feet. And I did it without causing any kind of personal or property damage. Is there a merit badge for this? We had to reposition the coach on … Continue reading
Full-page littering
I spent my third night in the coach last night and it was the first night spent on the newly foam-enhanced mattress. I was very pleased. I slept well with no hip soreness from a too-thin mattress. Of course it helped that we were smart enough this time to turn off the gas water heater … Continue reading
Hardware floors and back pain
It has been another busy week. My main activities have been (1) completing the installation of the hardwood floor (DONE! Whoopie!) and (2) dealing with back pain. You might wonder, as I did, whether the two are related. I doubt it, but I have to admit that being hunched over, on my knees, for hours … Continue reading
March Sadness
So Ohio State blew a 13-point lead and lost by 2 in the semi-finals of the NCAA Basketball Tournament. That loss ended their season and, worse, my hopes for a big win in the office pool. Damn! That $100 sure would have made retirement easier. I also failed to win the $600 million Mega Millions … Continue reading
March Madness
I refer, of course, to the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament, America’s largest and best opportunity to illegally wager small sums of money on the outcomes of amateur athletic contests. The fun thing about March Madness betting is that you don’t pick a single game, you pick all 63 games (a “bracket”). Since the odds of … Continue reading
Last vacation before retirement?
Jett and I leave tomorrow for a week in Mexico. It will almost certainly be our last full-week vacation before we retire. We will have a week in the sun to talk about the future, get rid of the last vestiges of that damn cold and consume vast quantities of alcohol (yes, it is an … Continue reading
Day 18. And I will stop counting.
The Cold That Wouldn’t Go Away seems to be going away. I still cough enough to annoy my co-workers but it is mostly under control. And I no longer sound like a frog. So I guess I survived this one. I had a good time writing about our planned trek west. I can’t hardly wait! … Continue reading
Day 11
This damn cold just won’t go away. Jett and I both have it. When one of us isn’t coughing the other is. Winter… bah humbug! It will be a pleasure to be done with it.
Now Jett has it
Jett always gets whatever illness I bring home, so it is no surprise that she started coughing yesterday. Unfortunately, she always gets it worse and sometimes ends up in the hospital. I hope that doesn’t happen this time.