Another day at sea. The ocean was choppy so the ship rolled a bit. We lost another hour of sleep – our 5th – so we got up late and barely made it to breakfast before the buffet closed at 11am. We spent some time in the casino, of course. I am still, inexplicably, ahead, though by less than $100. Marlene is down. Way down.
We attended a special event for “diamond” and “platinum” passengers. I am not sure what is required to attain that status. I am merely “gold” but came as the guest of Marlene who is “platinum”. We met Donald, who was taking his 52nd transatlantic cruise. Some people spend a LOT of time on ships.

After dinner we attended a variety show by Jonathon Timpanelli. He was terrific, belting out tunes by Frank Sinatra, Tony Bennett, Dean Martin and others. Then we saw a comedy show with a comedian whose name escapes me. He was funny but, in my opinion, not as funny as Lance Montalto.