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If you have been paying attention, you will remember that I attended a drag bingo event last May. On that occasion I won. Last week my home resort hosted a drag bingo event. I didn’t win this time, but the cost was minimal: $10. And while it was not as raucous as the first event, it was fun. Some of the residents of my very conservative resort surprised me by arriving in drag. In Florida, where the anti-LGBTQ rhetoric has been fierce! The host, at the end, was in tears, thanking us for continuing to support the LGBTQ community. Touching.
I have mentioned the Buckingham Blues Bar (BBB) many times. Ooma introduced me and I quickly fell in love. But unlike my love of Ooma, which faded, my love of the BBB continued unabated. I was there, with Marlene, on Wednesday, and had the usual great time, dancing and listening to great music.
But yesterday, I received the following text message:
This is Tommy [Lee Cook] from Buckingham. Please let this serve as notice that The Buckingham Blues Bar, my private property, is off limits to you from now on. If you show up, you will be trespassing, and the Lee County Sheriff Dept. will be called to remove you.
Any dispute direct to my attorney, [name and phone number of attorney].
This was NOT the result of anything I did or said at the bar. I have been a model customer. No, it was the result of Ooma convincing the owner, Tommy Lee Cook, that I was an “undesirable person” who should not be allowed in his bar.
I was hoping to leave Ooma behind and to not publish any of our dirty laundry, but I see now that I must defend myself. The fact is that she filed for a ridiculous restraining order on me a couple of weeks ago (for stalking!) and I responded by filing for a restraining order on her for dating violence. She physically attacked me twice after we broke up and she threatened to do “whatever it takes” to get me removed from the BBB. To that end she blackmailed me, unsuccessfully, then filed the restraining order. Getting the owner to remove me was just the latest of her vindictive moves. I don’t know what lies she told him but I have no doubt that she lied to him. Because I learned, the hard way, that she lies. She lied to me every day that we were together. It was only with her filing for a restraining order and reading, finally, the truth of our relationship, that I realized how completely I had been deceived.
I believe that she is mentally unstable and is intent on hurting me. For the first time in my life I feel that I may be in mortal danger from another person.
This is the first book in the series of mysteries by Stuart Woods that feature Stone Barrington, upscale cop, investigator and lawyer. This is my second Barrington book, having read Foreign Affairs first (#35 in the series). I didn’t like Foreign Affairs much (I scored it a 3 out of 10) but thought I should give this popular, long-running series another shot. Starting at the beginning seemed like the best way to do that.
As this book opens, Stone is recovering from a gunshot wound to the knee that he received on the job as detective for the NYPD. He happens to see a woman fall 12 stories, presumably to her death. He calls it in, then heads to the penthouse to investigate. When he arrives he hears the footsteps of someone – a murderer? – rapidly descending the staircase. He tries to follow but is unable, due to his injured knee, to catch the fleeing suspect.
He then learns, from a reporter who observed the woman shortly after her fall, that she was alive. Badly injured, but not dead. Survived a 12-story fall? Well, it turns out this woman was a famous television news anchor with considerable skydiving experience. Could she have used her knowledge of aerodynamics and the fortunate placement of a soft pile of newly excavated dirt to save herself? She is loaded into an ambulance, but the ambulance is struck by a fire engine on the way to the hospital. Everyone in the ambulance is taken to the hospital – except the woman, who has disappeared. Is she alive or dead?
This is the confusing start to a plot that has more twists and turns than the Mississippi River. Stone is initially put in charge of the investigation, but his belief that the woman is alive puts him at odds with the NYPD brass who want to quickly close the case. He is drummed out of the force with a medical excuse. He is given a generous disability pension but Stone can’t let the case rest.
I won’t go into all of the complications that arise but I found the plot to be complex, plausible and very satisfying. I had a hard time putting the book down.
The usual disclaimer: I know the author. He is one of my oldest and dearest friends.
This is #3 in Benjamin’s series of mysteries featuring Jim Otis, Sheriff of Hercules WI, a small town disparagingly called “hicksville.” Otis is a former Chicago cop who was forced out of both his job and his marriage by a romantic liaison with a young woman who turned out to be underage. That woman appears briefly in this book and she is one of the women giving Otis trouble, but there are others: his ex-wife, his girlfriend, a fire-and-brimstone preacher, several members of the local Ho-Chunk tribe and, most of all, Josie Dobbs, the teen temptress who caused Otis to lose his job in Hercules, later to be regained.
Sherlock Holmes has Professor Moriarty; Jim Otis has Josie Dobbs. She is an “angel” who raises hell. But never gets blamed for the trouble she generates. In this book the trouble is the disappearance of the star junior cheerleader at Hercules High. It is a suspected kidnapping, but no ransom is sought. Josie Dobbs, now a freshman at Bryn Mawr, over a thousand miles away, was in Hercules the weekend when Carrie, the cheerleader, disappeared. Could that fact be significant? Otis has a “hunch” that it is, but he doubts himself due to his personal painful history with Josie (he lost his job because he was accused of raping her). But that history has convinced him that Josie is the Devil incarnate. He may be right.
The plot is not terribly complex, but the story proceeds in a gripping way and the characters and locations – Ajay’s bar, Calamity Jane’s breakfast joint, Hercules High, the stone quarry and the Little Red Church in the Vale – are fully formed. I could picture them as I read. It was a good read.
7 out of 10. More complexity would have boosted the score.
Gary is an old friend – I met him in 1996, a year before I met Jett. There is a connection there – I met both due to my membership in the local chapter of Parents Without Partners in Burlington MA. Gary was President when I was Treasurer. A year later Jett wandered into a PWP dance and… well… so began 23 years of love. Gary was dating a lovely woman named Barbara at that time who, sadly, succumbed to cancer before her time. Then Gary and I played in the same softball league in Massachusetts for several years, during which time he met and married Jane, also a lovely woman.
But we drifted apart. He stayed in Massachusetts while I went roaming about the country and eventually landed in Florida.
I take this trip down memory lane as a way of saying that he found me again! I got a call from him last week. Yes, he and Jane were still living in Massachusetts, but they were visiting Venice FL and maybe we could get together? Well, yes, Gary, we could.
And we did. Jane and Gary drove down from Venice, I cooked some tacos and we – Gary, Jane, Marlene and I – sat around for hours “catching up” as old people are wont to do. I gave them a walking tour of my resort (a nice, long walk that Rusty loved). And I took some photos.
It was truly wonderful reconnecting with an old friend.
Marlene and I continue to make almost weekly trips to Punta Gorda on Tuesday evening to listen to the free music (mediocre) and enjoy the water views (terrific). These are photos from our most recent visit.
A few weeks ago Marlene and I traveled an hour to the Island Gypsy Cafe in Isles of Capri FL. This is an outdoor restaurant (under a canopy) on a marina close by the Gulf of Mexico. It is a beautiful setting. Good food, too. We met my friends Oren and Patty there for lunch. Patty is a friend from high school, so we go WAY back.
Oren and Patty have been “wintering” on Marco Island for years. This was probably my 4th or 5th visit with them down here in Florida. A lovely couple.
I had a mahi mahi sandwich which was terrific. I can’t recall what Marlene chose but I do recall dessert – a huge slice of the “famous” Island Gypsy carrot cake. It was $14 but was large enough for all of us.
One of the patrons waiting for a table was kind enough to get a photo of all four of us. Thank you, anonymous patron!
The marina at Island GypsyMarlene, Oren, Patty and meMarlene and dessert
The 2022 blog booklet is now available online. I am on the fence about printing this as it is expensive to do so. If you want a hard copy, send me a request, please.
Creating this booklet was emotionally draining as it required me to revisit my tumultuous relationship with Ooma. I put her on the cover because she defined 2022 for me. The cover is always something important that occurred during the year, but not necessarily something happy. Jett’s funeral was the cover for 2020.
Thanks largely to dating two women who love music, the past 12 months have been my most intense music education since the 60s. First and foremost is the Buckingham Blues Bar, an amazing (and amazingly inexpensive) bar/club that hosts some first-rate blues jams twice a week. Ooma introduced me to The Buck and I am beholden to her for that. But Marlene loves the place too and when brother-in-law Ray visited recently I had to take him there. He loved it too.
The jam is mostly some regular local musicians – all with their own bands who mostly play rock – who get together for some blues twice a week. And every now and then there are guest appearances by some touring musicians. On the night I took Ray there, Bobby Capps from 38 Special sat in on keyboards.
In addition to hosting great music, it also is home to a mule that loves beer.
Buckingham Blues BarRay at The BuckBobby Capps sitting inMarlene and mule
Fort Myers also is home to MusicWalk, a once-a-month event in which downtown Fort Myers is cordoned off and music groups – some soloists but mostly bands of 5 or more pieces – set up and play for free. Dancing is encouraged and Marlene and I don’t need much encouragement. The event was cancelled due to the pandemic and then Hurricane Ian but is now back in full force. The event drew a HUGE crowd this month – probably more than 50,000 people.
Huge crowd at MusicWalkLots of people but no dancing hereEveryone dances at MusicWalk
Marlene has introduced me to many of the local night clubs, too. I have learned to appreciate the wide variety of talented musicians who call Southwest Florida home. One of the best is Deb and the Dynamics who have been playing for free in Cape Coral every Wednesday night. This draws a smaller crowd – maybe 1,000 – but the music is fine and everyone dances.
My last visit to the Buckingham Blues Bar?
I have mentioned the Buckingham Blues Bar (BBB) many times. Ooma introduced me and I quickly fell in love. But unlike my love of Ooma, which faded, my love of the BBB continued unabated. I was there, with Marlene, on Wednesday, and had the usual great time, dancing and listening to great music.
But yesterday, I received the following text message:
This is Tommy [Lee Cook] from Buckingham. Please let this serve as notice that The Buckingham Blues Bar, my private property, is off limits to you from now on. If you show up, you will be trespassing, and the Lee County Sheriff Dept. will be called to remove you.
Any dispute direct to my attorney, [name and phone number of attorney].
This was NOT the result of anything I did or said at the bar. I have been a model customer. No, it was the result of Ooma convincing the owner, Tommy Lee Cook, that I was an “undesirable person” who should not be allowed in his bar.
I was hoping to leave Ooma behind and to not publish any of our dirty laundry, but I see now that I must defend myself. The fact is that she filed for a ridiculous restraining order on me a couple of weeks ago (for stalking!) and I responded by filing for a restraining order on her for dating violence. She physically attacked me twice after we broke up and she threatened to do “whatever it takes” to get me removed from the BBB. To that end she blackmailed me, unsuccessfully, then filed the restraining order. Getting the owner to remove me was just the latest of her vindictive moves. I don’t know what lies she told him but I have no doubt that she lied to him. Because I learned, the hard way, that she lies. She lied to me every day that we were together. It was only with her filing for a restraining order and reading, finally, the truth of our relationship, that I realized how completely I had been deceived.
I believe that she is mentally unstable and is intent on hurting me. For the first time in my life I feel that I may be in mortal danger from another person.
Both cases will be heard on March 20.
Stay tuned.