“The Cuban Affair” by Nelson DeMille

Copyright 2017 by Nelson DeMille. Published by Pocket Books, an imprint of Simon and Schuster, Inc., New York.

I am having a hard time evaluating this book. This is my first Nelson DeMille novel and I have to say that I like his writing style. Very lively. The characters are interesting. The settings are places that either I have been to and liked (Key West) or places that intrigue me and I would like to visit (Cuba).

So why was I not wild about the book? The plot. The “affair” was arranged as a clandestine visit to Cuba to retrieve, among other things, $60M that had been stashed away during the 1959 revolution. Spoiler alert: they never get the cash. Worse, they never try to get the cash. The protagonist, Mac MacCormick, who was promised $3M to join the expedition, led by Cuban ex-pats, feels duped. I feel the same way. The great adventure never really gets off the ground.

The story is really one of arranging the expedition, biding their time in Havana, embarking on a romance with the female leader of the expedition, obtaining some papers and relics (Plan B after the money is abandoned), getting the two trunks of Plan B stuff to the boat that will extract them from Cuba, then shooting their way to international waters. Spoiler alert: their boat is sunk and the Plan B trunks are lost. Or are they?

At the end of the book Mac mulls the possibility that the two trunks were actually salvaged by the men in the helicopters who saved their bacon. Were they CIA? No one is quite sure.

So an aborted expedition, a failed extraction. Does Mac get the girl? Even that is indefinite. In short, a plot that doesn’t satisfy. No one wins in this story.

Some books that might otherwise be lacking are redeemed by the descriptions of the exotic locales in which they are set. Cuba is exotic, but Mac hates it. I started the book thinking that I would really like to visit Cuba, but this book pretty much killed that desire.

There was enough good about this book that I will read DeMille again. But there was enough bad about the book that I can’t recommend it.

5 out of 10.

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WOW (softball edition)

We won our softball game today, 20-19 in extra innings. This victory was a minor miracle as we were outplayed and beaten badly for 5 innings . We were down 17-9 after 5. But we held them in the 6th, then scored 5 to make it 17-14. They added one in the 7th but we came roaring back to tie it 18-18 after 7. We gave up a run in the extra frame (thanks to my throwing error) but they made some bad plays of their own when we got to the plate. I knocked in the tying run and put the winning run on 3rd base with a hit down the line. The next player up – a guy that I had moved from 7th to 5th in the order because I had a good feeling about him – lined the next pitch over the shortstop’s head to win the game.

Hell of a game. I will be smiling the rest of the day.

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2020 blog booklet

2020 was a disastrous year, but the booklet, as I realized as I was assembling it, is fairly upbeat, largely because of the wonderful 2-week cruise early in the year. Anyway, if you want the PDF you can get it here:

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5% report

It is now January 18, which means we are about 5% of the way through 2021 and I have not posted to the blog. Why? Because there hasn’t been much of interest to report. Rusty and I hang out every day. He gets his 3 walks per day. I get my 3 meal per day (though lunch is sometimes just cheese and crackers or yogurt).

Frank at JetBlue

But what other activities have occupied my time? Well, Frank and Rachel made a return visit, leaving Jan 2. Or, to be more precise, they were scheduled to leave Jan 2 but actually left Jan 3 because they missed their flight. Why did they miss their flight? Good question. I had better not go into it too deeply or I will get upset. The good news is that we used the extra day to make a quick trip to JetBlue Park, spring training home of the Boston Red Sox. Both Rachel (who knows more sports trivia than I do) and Frank liked that. Frank made a goof photo as he was capturing the field on his camera.

What else? Well, quite a few things:

  • I scanned all of my fathers WW II letters to my mother. They aren’t particularly interesting as historical documents, but they provide some insights into my father’s personal history and the early marriage to my mother. They are worth keeping and it is a lot easier keeping a thumb drive than a large box full of huge D-ring binders.
  • I ordered new hubcaps for the Toyota (Frank popped one on a pothole while he was visiting) and got new wipers (because he complained that he couldn’t see in the rain).
  • I did some end-of-year accounting of the budget.
  • I delivered 3 more boxes of donations to Goodwill
  • I got my softball team organized (yes, I am a manager this year) and played 2 games
  • I spent a lot of time preparing the 2020 blog booklet. It was sent to the printer today. Assuming the proof is acceptable, I will post a link to it soon.

None of that is very exciting but it is all pretty important. So I can say that the first 5% of 2021 has been fairly productive.

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2020 wrapup

How to describe 2020? To borrow a phrase from Judith Viorst, it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year.


  • A wonderful 2-week MSC cruise in the Caribbean
  • A positive experience being a poll working in the 2020 general election
  • Completion of shed construction (though some trim work remains)


  • Jett’s death
  • The COVID-19 pandemic, punctuated by a positive COVID-19 test result at the end of the year, followed by a second negative result 10 days later, with a lot of stress and the loss of a joyful Christmas in between
  • Many truck expenses, including several rounds of fuel line repairs and replacement of the turbocharger uppipes
  • Many health problems for Jett, prior to her death, including several falls
  • A very difficult TS6
  • A joyless TN6, with an initial delay due to truck problems

I think we can all agree that the Lowlights outweigh the Highlights.

I will be happy to send 2020 on its way with a hearty “good riddance!”

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My second COVID-19 test was NEGATIVE. This is very disappointing as it strongly suggests that the first result was a false positive. I was really hoping for confirmation that I had, in fact, had an asymptomatic case and had developed antibodies without ever getting sick. Now I know that I either had the virus or didn’t. Not very helpful.

So all I have gotten from this whole episode is a whole lot of worry and loss of a Christmas holiday.

One final loss to end a year full of losses.

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My best Christmas gift ever?

My Christmas hibiscus

I wasn’t expecting any gifts this year. But I did get one gift and it was a good one. Probably my best Christmas gift ever.

My health.

It has now been at least 10 days since the exposure that resulted in the shocking positive COVID-19 test. I think that means that I am no longer infectious, if I ever was. And that I am unlikely to get sick.

I feel like I have dodged a bullet. Better yet, this probably means that I have some immunity to COVID-19. I won’t go crazy now and start kissing people in the ICU but I think the time between now and whenever I get vaccinated will be relatively stress-free.

I will retest in a couple of days. At this point I am really hoping for a positive result. Because if it is negative then the possibility of a false positive remains.

The photo is my flowering hibiscus. The red and green make it an appropriate Christmas photo. And a cheerful one, to match my mood. But I was also amazed at the clarity. This was taken at dusk, in low light.

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My COVID-19 test result was POSITIVE. While there is a chance that this is a false positive result, it is far more likely that I either have the virus or had it and didn’t know it. I can’t tell which because I have NO SYMPTOMS. That could be due to me being one of the lucky ones who is not made sick by the virus. Or it could be that I was actually infected previously – perhaps as much as 3 months ago – and had minor symptoms that were never bad enough for me to think I had a potentially deadly disease. The test can show positive due to antibodies from an earlier infection.

But at some point – either now or as some point in the past – I was probably infectious and didn’t know it. I am not aware of anyone who I may have infected with COVID-19, but the possibility that I made someone sick without knowing it bothers me a lot.

The ability of this virus to be passed by asymptomatic carriers is one of the characteristics that makes it so insidious. I took the test on a whim and not because I thought I was infected. I have to wonder how many other people like me are out there and haven’t been tested.

I spoke to my doctor today and he agreed that I should isolate myself for at least another week, then take another test. If that test is negative then the first one was probably a false positive. If it is positive then I was definitely infected, but it won’t shed any light on when I was infected.

A perfectly crappy end to a perfectly crappy year.

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My first (and second) COVID-19 test

When my son was visiting me less than 2 weeks ago I spent a few minutes researching how to get a COVID-19 test in Fort Myers, thinking that he and his girlfriend might need to get one to be allowed back in Massachusetts. Well, they were less concerned about that than I was and they were right – MA took them back, no questions asked. But the seed of thought was planted. And, because I had been in close contact with them – and because I am still considering attending a Christmas party with over a dozen other people – I thought it might be a good idea to get tested.

Fort Myers has a large, free testing site that gives rapid COVID-19 tests – results in less than 30 minutes. And while that instant gratification was appealing, I had also seen the lines of cars waiting to enter that site. And I had no compelling need for instant results. So I looked into the drive-through testing being offered at my local CVS pharmacy (I had seen the signs when I had been there recently). It turns out that the testing there, too, is free. And while an appointment is required, the “out time” was in minutes rather than days. I discovered this at about 2 pm on Monday as the first appointment time offered then was 3:10 pm. What the heck? I booked it.

I had to wait 25 minutes in line at the drive-through pharmacy window, which gave me time to review the video on how the test would be conducted. I thought I was prepared. When I got to the window I was handed a testing kit containing a swab and a vial. I abused myself with the swab, sticking it about 3 inches up each nostril. I sneezed. How does anyone not sneeze? But I put the swab in the vial and, when breaking off the tip of the swab (as required), I spilled some of the liquid in the vial.

Two days later I got the results – negative but inconclusive (insufficient DNA), I don’t know if that was because I didn’t swab correctly or because I spilled the liquid, but I had to retake the test. CVS, to their credit, were on the ball and called me to reschedule. I went back yesterday – no waiting this time – and redid the test, being careful to not spill the liquid and putting the swab even deeper in my nostrils this time. But I still sneezed.

I expect I will be negative, but the experience was instructive. It is indeed, easy to get a COVID-19 test now, which is great. If only it had been easy 6 months ago it might have saved thousands of lives.

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A visit from #2 son

Frank and Rachel

I suppose I should apologize to Charlie Chan, that inscrutable oriental detective. But since he referred to himself as “oriental” which most asians now regard as derogatory and since none of the 5 actors who played him in the movies was actually asian, I won’t apologize much. I doubt that he was even inscrutable, whatever that means.

The point being that my younger son, Frank, visited me for a week, leaving yesterday. This was my Christmas gift to him – a week in the Florida sun. Thanks to the pandemic the airfares are dirt cheap, as are the hotels. He brought his girlfriend and the total cost for airfare and hotel was under $700. I let him use my car for the week (I had the truck). Cheap, cheap, cheap vacation for him.

Notice that I said “a week in the sun” rather than “a week in the heat.” Because it was sunny but cool. But 60s seems warm to those who endure 30s and 40s this time of year. And it did get into the upper 70s twice during the week. Warm enough for a northerner to use the pool.

Frank and I went out Thursday night, sans girlfriend, for some father/son bonding time. Had pizza at Capone’s then had a beer at The Lodge. I got the pint while Frank opted for the “large” thinking it would be 22 oz, as they serve in MA. But this was a full 32 ounces. Huge. He finished it. Fortunately he wasn’t driving.

Frank at Capone’s
Frank and his quart of beer

We also spent a day touring the area, including visiting Sanibel Island and the Ding Darling Nature Preserve. I was hoping to find some large alligators, but I guess it was too cold. Struck out at Ding. But we did get to walk the beach at the southern tip of Sanibel and get to dip our toes in the Gulf of Mexico.

So, a pretty good week. So good that they decided to return for Christmas. On their dime.

Frank at the pool
Frank and Rachel on Sanibel

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