TS4-1 Hop 3: Chenango Forks NY to Tremont PA

TS4-1 Hop 3

TS4-1 Hop 3

154 miles via NY 12, I-81 and local roads. Cumulative tow miles: 436. Truck miles: 310. Cumulative truck miles: 782.

This was the hop that extracted us from our 8-day nightmare. As expected, the most difficult part of the trip was the 200 yards to exit the Chenango Shores Campground. There were three distinct challenges:

  1. Push the RV back onto the grassy common area, to make a Y-turn to the dump station.  With all the mud – from the heavy rains on Friday and the lighter rains on Saturday – I thought that there was a very real possibility that either the truck or the RV – or both – would get mired, axle-deep, in the muck.  We didn’t get stuck, but we left deep tire tracks that will not disappear until next summer.
  2. Dump the tanks. We were using only one black water tank and one gray water tank, each 45 gal capacity.  But, after 8 days, they were probably pretty full.  We probably had over 70 gallons of sewerage to dump.  The dump station was nearly full.  I could not completely empty the tanks, but got rid of enough weight to make traveling 150 miles feasible.  Probably dumped 40 to 50 gallons.
  3. Get to the road.  This involved traversing the very narrow, very muddy road and making the fairly sharp left turn, avoiding the post on the left and the junk metal gate on the right.  The bushes, too, to the extent possible.  All through very deep puddles and mud.  This turned out to be relatively easy.  We hit nothing and didn’t get stuck.
Narrow, muddy exit path

Narrow, muddy exit path

Post to the left

Post to the left

The campground owner was waiting for us at the road.  We thanked him once again for his kindness and assistance.  He invited us to stop in again next year.

Not bloody likely.

Our new brake controller – which I had felt engage the RV brakes just getting to the exit – still needed fine tuning.  Our plan was to take a slight detour to a large parking lot where we could get it set just right.  But in traversing the 6 miles of NY 12 to the entrance to I-81, I made adjustments along the way.  By the time we got to I-81 I was pretty confident that the settings were good enough to be safe, so we skipped the parking lot and started heading south on I-81.

The ride on I-81 was uneventful.  I was a bit apprehensive about the undulations near Scranton and knew that they would provide a test of the engine’s health.  It passed easily.  The engine ran smoothly and never seemed to struggle much.

Our home for the evening was the Echo Valley Campground in Tremont PA.  I picked it almost exclusively for its location – about 150 miles from Binghamton (a good road test for the truck, but not too taxing on its weary passengers) – and just a mile off of I-81.  But it also offered pull-through sites and full hookups.  The very first thing I did after we got set up was open the valve and complete the dumping of our gray and black water tanks.  Then I took a long, hot shower.

The campground was no better than average, but did have recycling and one of the largest pools we have seen anywhere.

Ironically, this campground had almost no Verizon service.  So, for the 9th consecutive night, we could not make or take phone calls.  The TV service was also spotty.  We got 4 channels on one TV and zero on the other.

Jett wanted to go out for a good meal and I didn’t argue.  So we drove about 5 miles to Buddy’s Log Cabin Restaurant in Pine Grove PA.  It had very good reviews – 4.3 out of 5 on Google – so we had high hopes. Jett ordered their specialty – broasted chicken – and I opted for some meatloaf.  The salad bar was mediocre, as was the birch beer.  The entrees… well, Jett couldn’t eat the chicken.  Too overdone.  The meatloaf was cold and bland.  The mashed potatoes were instant.  What did we like about the meal? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.  Disgusting meal.  One of our worst dine-out experiences ever.  I would be generous if I gave it a 1-star rating.

Buddy's Log Cabin

Buddy’s Log Cabin

Echo Valley pool

Echo Valley pool

Categories: Adventures, Food, PA, Places, Routes, RV Parks, TS4 | Leave a comment

Disaster recovery, phase 2: the brake controller

A brake controller similar to my old one

A brake controller similar to my old one

For those of you who never tow anything, I will enlighten you on what a brake controller is: it is a device that controls the brakes on whatever you are towing.  When you press the brakes on the truck it sends a signal to the trailer to activate its brakes too.  The truck and the trailer then brake together.  It is mounted under the dash in the truck.

There were two reasons why I believed that I had a brake controller problem: (1) the poor performance of the brakes when coming down the hill after getting hit with the coolant hose leak and (2) the fact that the controller display was always red.  I had this vague memory that the display should be green when the trailer was attached. But I wasn’t 100% certain about either.  It was a steep hill and I was already rattled from the engine problem  Perhaps I was going too fast or my new rear brakes on the truck weren’t set quite right.  And the green display?  I am old and forget things.  Maybe I forgot that the screen was always red. I never had documentation for the device, so I couldn’t easily check what the correct color should be.

But I couldn’t take the chance.  At the very least I had to convince myself, beyond a reasonable doubt, that there was no real problem. Besides, Jett said that there was NO WAY that she would be riding in the truck if there was any possibility that the 8-ton trailer behind us had no brakes.  She said that she would fly to Virginia if I insisted on driving the rig down there without firmly fixing the problem.  I went so far as to actually book a ticket from Binghamton to DC.

So my first step, after retrieving the truck on Friday morning, was to find a local dealer of hitches and brake controllers.  I found one, drove to his small shop and discussed the problem.  He said it was most likely a corroded contact problem and sold me a spray can of brake cleaner (best for cleaning electrical contacts, he said) for about $7.  I also booked an appointment with him for a more thorough inspection and diagnosis first thing Monday, which was the earliest he could fit me in.  I dearly hoped it wouldn’t come to that as I thought I would end up slitting my wrists if I had to spend another weekend at Chenango Shores.

I did one more thing: I got his permission to hitch my truck to one of the trailers on his lot that had electrical brakes like my RV.  Hitched up. Same behavior.  That experiment convinced me that the problem – if there was one – was on the truck side of the connector; the RV was not implicated.  That was good to know as it narrowed the problem and meant that I could deal with it by looking only at the truck.

My next stop was at a Love’s travel stop where I asked if anyone was available to look at the problem.  No, but they suggested that I talk to the various muffler and brake places nearby.

Third stop: Midas Muffler.  The manager there seemed fairly knowledgeable about brake controllers and showed me the connector panel mounted near the rear axle.  He said that the panel had a tiny microprocessor and suggested that replacing the panel and the socket on the bumper would almost certainly fix the problem.  I scheduled a Saturday “first thing” appointment.

Fourth stop: Munro Brakes.  The offered to do an electrical check of the controller and wiring for about $60.  I took the offer and had lunch while they worked.  Conclusion: no breaks in the wiring and no abnormal voltages.

That was all done Friday afternoon.  I went back to the RV with the depressing knowledge that we would not be leaving that day.  I paid for another day.

Saturday morning I took the truck back to Midas for its 8:15 am appointment.  They finished the work in about 90 minutes.  Cost: $370.  I drove back to the RV, hooked up the umbilical.  Red display.  Crushed, I went in to discuss the problem with Jett.  We agreed that the next step (and, indeed, the only thing left to try) was to replace the controller itself.

But first, I said to Jett, there is one more thing I needed to check.  I wanted to verify that the setup was correct.  There were really only two things to set: the brake type (it was correctly set to “electric” and not “hydraulic”) and the display settings.  There was a choice of display color.  It was set to “red” and the other choices were “white” and… wait for it… “green.”  Was it possible that I just had the wrong display setting?  I tried to set it to “green” and… poof!… the display went blank.

That put a lot of weight down on the side of “faulty.”

I got the number for Jim’s RV Center, drove the 6 miles to where I could get cell service, called them and confirmed that they had, in stock, a brake controller from the same manufacturer as mine.  Praying that the controllers would be plug-compatible, I drove the 30 miles to their location, extracted my controller, took it in and confirmed that the plugs were identical.  I then asked if there was any way to test my controller and they said that they had a tester in back.  They took my controller into the back room and returned about 10 minutes later with the declaration “Yup, it’s bad.”  Grateful to finally have a firm handle on the problem, I bought the new one ($120), drove 30 miles back to Chenango Shores, plugged the RV and pressed the test lever on the controller… it went from green to red!  That was enough to convince me with 99.9% certainty that the problem was finally solved.

Lesson: check the least likely component first.  I really went into this believing that the controller was ok.  Only by eliminating all other possible problems did I settle on the controller as the culprit.

I informed the campground owner that we would be leaving on Sunday morning.  Perfect timing because Sunday was the last day of his season.

I also cancelled Jett’s airplane ticket.

Sunday had its own stresses, which I will leave for the next post, but the bottom line was that the new brake controller did, in fact, control the brakes.  Confirmation that the problem was finally solved. Total cost: $557.

Categories: Adventures, NY, Places, RV Living, TS4 | Leave a comment

Disaster recovery, phase 1: the truck

Of the four known problems with our rig, two were truck-related and two were RV-related. Clearly, nothing could be done with the RV problems until the truck problems were solved. Unfortunately, one of the two GMC dealers in Binghamton NY would not book an appointment until Thursday and the other would only offer a Friday appointment. I booked the Thursday appointment, with the intention of making a personal, pathetic appeal to move it up once I got a rental car and could go see them in person.

To that end I arranged with the campground owner for a ride to Enterprise Monday morning (Sunday was spent in the RV, carless, dining on whatever we had on board and watching DVDs). He drove me there in his 2002 pickup with faulty spark plugs which caused engine hesitation for the entire 18-mile ride. I was grateful that I got to Enterprise without suffering through yet another truck failure. I gave him $20 for the ride.

Enterprise, efficient as always, got me behind the wheel of a Kia in about 10 minutes and I immediately drove to Botnick Chevrolet in downtown Binghamton. Or tried to. This particular Monday was Columbus Day and there was a parade in downtown Binghamton. Many streets were closed off. I drove down a small street which seemed to be open but wasn’t. I got stuck in a long line of cars that had made the same mistake. We all had to back up to find an alternate route.

I did finally get there and made my most sincere, whiny appeal for a more timely appointment. The service advisor, while sympathetic, could only say “bring it in and I will see if I can slip it into the schedule.” I promised him that I would have it in his lot no later than Tuesday morning.

Jett opted to use Monday afternoon to do a trip to the laundromat and food store, to make our RV exile a bit more pleasant. Then, Tuesday morning, I filled the coolant reservoir on the truck and a gallon of water, in case I needed to refill it during the 12-mile trip to Botnick. We had originally planned to get a tow from AAA, but the logistics of that were difficult. Specifically we would have to travel about 6 miles just to get to a place where we had cell phone service and there was a wide shoulder where we could wait. We reasoned that if we could drive the truck 6 miles we could probably do another 6 and avoid the hassle of waiting for a tow.

We made it without requiring a refill and without emitting any steam clouds that would have alarmed our fellow motorists. I left the truck at Botnick with a renewed plea for mercy.

The plea went largely unanswered. We basically cooled our heels the rest of Tuesday and Wednesday, with me making occasional forays into the realm of cell phone service to check the status. Finally, at 3:30 pm on Wednesday, Botnick got it into the shop.

I should mention that one other thing I did on Monday was try to clean the contacts on the trailer hitch connector – the socket that the RV umbilical plugs into that both provides electrical power to the RV while traveling and sends the braking signal from the truck’s brake controller to the RV’s electrical brakes. My view of the braking problem was that it was about 80% likely that the problem was just a bad connection and about 20% likely that it was something else. This was based on the observation that the display on the braking controller seemed pretty normal in all respects except for the color. My recollection is that the screen was supposed to be green when the trailer was hitched and resting and should be red only when braking. My controller’s screen was always red.

So I got a screwdriver and tried to scrape the contacts on both the truck socket and the RV plug. But while scraping the truck socket I encountered a small spark, apparently from the head of the screwdriver bridging the gap between two pins. It was a very small spark and I thought nothing of it… until, on the trip into Botnick, I discovered that the cruise control was inoperative. So that was added to the service list:

  • diagnose and fix the coolant leak
  • flush the radiator and refill with coolant
  • diagnose and fix the brake controller problem
  • oil change (it was due)
  • fix the cruise control

I thought the cruise control problem was probably a blown fuse due to that tiny little spark, but, like so much else during the week, I was totally wrong. It was a brake pedal sensor switch that needed to be replaced at a cost of about $140.

Botnick completed their work late Thursday afternoon. Total cost: $686.26. But they did nothing about the brake controller, saying that it was an after-market (i.e., non-GM) product that they knew nothing about.

Friday morning I drove the rental car back to Enterprise (total cost: $307.57), got a ride from them to Botnick ($5 tip), retrieved the truck and started thinking about how to fix the brake controller problem.

Total cost of the truck fix: $1018.83.  We had our tow vehicle back but needed to figure out the brake controller problem before we could continue our journey.

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TS4-1 Hop 2: Schenectady NY to Chenango Forks NY

TS4-1 Hop 2

TS4-1 Hop 2

130 miles via I-90, I-88, NY 206 and NY 12, Cumulative tow miles: 282. Truck miles: 302. Cumulative truck miles: 472.

The extra 172 truck miles were incurred in Schenectady and along the Hudson River on the several excursions we took while there, as documented in the TS4-1 Hop 1 post.

This was not the hop we planned due to the disaster we encountered on NY 206 (see my previous post). The trip to that point was uneventful, except for a heavy shower that we encountered on I-88. NY 206 is now on our list of least favorite roads due to its sharp undulations. If we weren’t taxing the engine on a steep uphill section we were wearing out the brakes on a sharp downhill section. Then, about midway between Greene and Whitney Falls, we popped a coolant hose and had to limp to the only open RV park in the area, after arranging a tow for the RV.

Muddy Chenango Shores

Muddy Chenango Shores

We knew that we would be stuck in Chenango Forks, a tiny “hamlet” on the shores of the Chenango River, until the truck was fixed. As it turns out, we were there a few days longer than that, for a total of 8 nights. Our planned visits to Watkins Glen and the Finger Lakes region, plus the stop at the Flight 93 memorial, were scrapped. Instead we subsisted at a place with no television (cable or over-the-air), no sewer hookup, no cell phone service and almost no internet service. The site was muddy and became muddier as it rained nearly every day. The public restroom – which I tried to use whenever I could to stretch the capacity of the RV’s black and gray water tanks – was filthy and the shower had only cold water. Our few neighbors clearly qualified as “trailer park trash.” In short, it was a miserable place to spend 8 nights.

Was there anything good about the park? Yes, the owner bent over backward to help us in any way he could, starting with meeting us and the tow truck at the gate to guide us to the spot, helping get the rig situated and, on Monday, driving me to Enterprise to rent a car. He also dropped his rate, from $35 to $25 per night with the seventh day free. So we paid for just 7 nights out of the 8, for a total of $175. Which would have been economical had it not been for the fact that we lost our deposits entirely for our Watkins Glen and Pohick Bay reservations and received only a partial refund for our planned Pennsylvania stay. So the actual total campground expense for the 8 nights was $470.90.

The other saving grace was that the park, despite having absolutely no cell phone service, did have some internet connectivity via our old JetPack router. That surprised the hell out of me as I thought that cell phone service was a requirement for data connectivity. Apparently that is not the case. I discovered this new truth when, early Sunday morning, I tried to connect to the internet and just about fell out of my chair when I succeeded. The connection that morning was not great, but wasn’t bad. I was able to do searches for GMC dealers, book a service appointment online and book a rental car. I was also able to read email and send out an update to family assuring them that we were safe and warm despite being “off the grid” for telephone contact. Having this connectivity – which, I learned, was not always as good as it was that morning, was a real boon.

Chenango Forks is about 15 miles from downtown Binghamton NY and most of our miles during those 8 days were spent on the roads to and from Binghamton, with two trips back to the scene of the breakdown: one to take photos of the ditch that we fell into when we damaged the gray water tank and bent the flange holding the spare and another to deliver a small token of appreciation to Butch and Jackie, the lovely couple who showed some true kindness and compassion when we really needed it.

Nestled between trashy neighbors

Nestled between trashy neighbors

The view from our front door

The view from our front door

Categories: Adventures, NY, Places, Routes, RV Parks, TS4 | Leave a comment


Yesterday, October 6, 2018, was, without question, the worst day we have had in over 6 years of travel. It was a cascading series of events that has left us with both a truck and an RV in need of repair before we can continue to Florida.

It all began on NY 206, about 4 miles west of Greene as we were heading to Watkins Glen. NY 206 is a nasty road with steep ups and downs. The truck labored to make the hills, though no more so than on similar roads that it has experienced before. But as we crested a hill I noticed, in my rear view mirror, what I first thought was smoke spewing from under the truck. I pulled over on the shoulder to investigate and, as I brought the RV to a halt, clouds of smoke or steam rose from the hood and the “low coolant level” warning appeared on the dash. I shut off the engine, opened the hood and saw a hose that was spitting hot water all over the engine. I assumed that a coolant hose had sprung a leak.

The disastrous ditch. Notice the tire track

The disastrous ditch. Notice the tire track

I decided to let the engine cool and refill the coolant reservoir in the hope that I could get the RV to a campground. Jett got on the phone and found just one open campground (most closed Oct 1). Yes, they could accommodate us. So the question was: could the truck haul the RV the 10 miles to the campground?  Had to try.

The GPS directed us to proceed down the hill – a temporary relief soon to be dashed – but as we neared the bottom it told us to take a left. I was surprised – and not in a good way – to discover that my braking was very limited. I couldn’t stop in time to take the left, so pulled over to let the GPS reroute.

Problem #2: either the RV brakes or the braking controller electronics seemed to not be working. Another concern, but nothing that would prevent me from getting to the campground.

The GPS told us to take the next left, a VERY narrow road. Still, the GPS would not route us down a road that we couldn’t traverse, so I waited for a break in the light traffic and made the left turn. And didn’t watch carefully enough where the RV tires would track. I looked in the rearview mirror just in time to see the left tires of the RV drop into a deep ditch. The RV heaved violently to the left and for a moment I feared that it would capsize. It didn’t. It also didn’t get stuck in the ditch. But it did bottom out, hitting, most obviously, the sewer drain pipes. I got to the next stop sign and got out to inspect for damage. Much to my relief, I saw none on initial inspection, which was a huge surprise given the violence of the impact.

Waiting for the tow truck

Waiting for the tow truck

But my relief as short-lived. The GPS directed us to go back up the steep hill that we had just descended. We made it to the top and down the other side, to CR 2, where we were directed to take a right. At that point the engine was, once again, steaming. Fortunately there was an empty pull-out area at that intersection. We stopped and I once again let the engine cool.

I used the engine cooling period to conduct a more thorough inspection for damage and was disappointed to find some. First, it was clear that not only had the RV bottomed in front of the tires, in the vicinity of the sewer pipes, but had also bottomed out behind the tires. The foot of the hydraulic jack was tilted (probably not a huge problem) and the flange holding the spare tire was bent. The severity of the flange damage was unclear. The tire was in place, but I couldn’t be certain that it would remain there. This was damage that would need to be repaired before we got to Florida.

Worst of all, water was dripping from the area of the gray water tank for the kitchen and half bath. Again, the severity was uncertain but was something that would have to be repaired before Florida if we were to use the kitchen sink.

If there was any good news in all of this it was that there appeared to be no damage to the half bath black water tank or either the gray or black water tanks for the full bath. We still had working plumbing.

So, to enumerate the problems:

  1. Truck engine problems of undetermined severity.
  2. A severe braking problem.
  3. Serious sewer problems (on top of the problems we already had).
  4. A serious problem with the flange holding the spare tire.

I can’t be certain that no additional problems will yet surface.  The bottom line is that both the truck and the RV require repairs that must be done before we go much further.

Safe at Chenango Shores after a VERY tough day

Safe at Chenango Shores after a VERY tough day

Back to our situation.  We were at the side of some relatively minor roads, in the middle of nowhere, with no cell phone service.  As a matter of desperation, we decided that we needed to unhitch the RV and limp the truck to a location where we could phone for aid.  We unhitched but as we were waiting for the engine to cool, a gentleman pulled up alongside and offered to help in any way he could.  He invited us to his house, just a few hundred yards away, to use his land line.  We gratefully accepted his offer, used his phone to call a tow truck (thanks, Good Sam!) and had a lovely chat with this lovely couple while we waited.  We were eventually informed that the truck would be an hour to arrive, so we took our leave, went back to the RV.  Jett and Rusty napped on the bed while I napped in the truck.  The tow truck did appear, as promised, about an hour later.

I was able to drive the truck, with only minor steaming, the 9 miles to the campground, the tow truck following my lead.  The owner of the campground met us at the entrance.  I took one look – a narrow road over railroad tracks with a sharp drop, then a sharp right over a rutted and very narrow lane – and knew that the tow truck, which was a huge semi-trailer cab, would never make it.  I told the truck driver to drop the RV at the side of the road (NY 12) and I would take it from there.  He was more than happy to do that.

I hitched up and was able to navigate the entrance without doing additional damage to the RV.  But the RV site required pulling up onto very soft grass and backing in.  I was unable to do it on three attempt and was chewing up the grass badly each time.  I finally told the owner that I should just pull in and run the electric and water lines under the RV.  He agreed and we got the RV settled for the night.  I will have to back up to exit, but that is a problem for another day.

The campground is a mess and I initially thought that we were totally “off the grid” – no TV, no internet and no phone service.  That turned out to be untrue as I found that my main router was able to provide an internet connection, which I am using to post this.

So we were able to have a relatively normal evening in the RV, watching DVDs and playing cards.  We agreed that we would not talk about the disastrous day.

But I was up early Sunday morning, thinking about how to proceed and estimating how much this is all going to cost me.  It won’t be cheap, that much is certain.

It also means that our TS4 plans are out the window.  One of the first things to do is to cancel all of our reservations.  When – and if – we get a working rig again we will plan a new route to Fort Myers.


Categories: Adventures, NY, Places, RV Living, TS4 | Leave a comment

TS4-1 Hop 1: Phillipston MA to Schenectady NY

TS4-1 Hop 1

TS4-1 Hop 1

152 miles via US 202, MA 21, I-90, I-87, I-890 (near Schenectady) and NY 5.  Cumulative tow miles: 152. Truck miles: 170. Cumulative truck miles: 170.

This hop was over roads that we have traveled before, so no surprises. There is a lot of up-and-down both on US 202 and I-90, so the engine got a good workout. No check engine lights. Whew!

The only deviation from the planned route was taking I-890 at exit 25 off of I-90 instead of exit 26. We were following the GPS at this point and its infinite wisdom declared that I-890 was the better option. Who are we to argue with the Great God GPS?

The road was fairly smooth until we hit a rough patch in I-890. That jumbled things in the RV a bit. Most alarming, though, was the discovery that I had failed to secure the living room television and it was hanging out on its mount. How quickly we forget basic steps in the teardown. No damage done, though.

The Mohawk in the morning

The Mohawk in the morning

Our home for 3 nights was the Arrowhead Marina and RV Park. This is the same park we stayed at last year. We even got the same site as last year, with an unobstructed river view. The campground is convenient to Schenectady, Albany and Watervliet and is right on the banks of the Mohawk River. Last year the weather and the river were both serene. This year, not so much. Schenectady, like most of New England, has had a very wet summer. The Mohawk River this year was about 6 feet higher than last year and was muddy, with a swift flow. Last year it seemed like a nice river to canoe on if you stayed near shore. This year it looked angry and uninviting when we arrived, though its looks improved with the morning sun.

The great view makes up for the railroad noise and the poor TV reception.

River Road House bar

River Road House bar

Last year we were tempted to visit the new Rivers Casino in downtown Schenectady but never made it. We got there this year. I did okay at the slots, losing only $10. But Jett took a beating, to the tune of $80. Not a bad casino, but the slots seemed a tad stingy.

Turkey club

Turkey club

Blackened haddock

Blackened haddock

After losing money at the casino we spent some of what was left on dinner at the River Road House Bar & Grill.  This is a very small place in an historic building (first operating as a tavern in 1830) on the south bank of the Mohawk.  It got good reviews and we weren’t disappointed.  The fried pickles, though not the best ever, were very good and my blackened haddock was superb.  Jett raved about her turkey club. Recommended.

NY cemetery tour

NY cemetery tour

Stone Church

Stone Church

Stone Church cemetery

Stone Church cemetery

Last year we spent a lot of time visiting Jett’s childhood homes in Watervliet. This year I visited cemeteries. The main destination was the Stone Church in Rhinebeck NY where 2 of my ancestors were reportedly buried. I also swung by Pittstown NY to search the Old Cooksborough Cemetery for two more of my Dutch ancestors. I didn’t find any of them – no surprise as they were all 18th century graves which tend to not survive to the 21st century. But I was able satisfy 4 photo requests in findagrave.com, so it wasn’t a wasted trip. I was actually quite pleased that I found the Old Cooksborough cemetery at all as it was tucked behind some houses and was not visible from the road. Both cemeteries were overgrown and in poor shape and over half of the headstones were unreadable, which is sad. But I am glad I found them. It puts me a little closer to my Dutch ancestors.

Old Cooksborough Cemetery

Old Cooksborough Cemetery

Categories: Food, Genealogy, MA, NY, Places, Routes, TS4 | Leave a comment

Tully Lake disc golf

The basket on #1 on the shores of Tully Lake

The basket on #1 on the shores of Tully Lake

One of the positives in this summer of mild disappointments was the Tully Lake disc golf course, located at the Lake Tully Recreation area in Royalston MA. I lost track of the number of times that I played this course. It is a very difficult course, but also a very beautiful one. And completely, totally free to play. My best score was 70, I think, which is way more than par, but anyone who gets par on this course must be a disc golf pro. Some of the holes are unbelievably difficult. But about four are relatively easy. I even got a birdie on one of them.

If you are into disc golf and are anywhere near Royalston (not likely, I know), give Tully Lake a try.

A difficult shot

A difficult shot

Typical tee shot

Typical tee shot

Categories: MA, Places | Leave a comment

Fourth Trip South (TS4) preview

We start our fourth trek south on Wednesday.  We will be heading to our new home at Cypress Trail RV Resort in Fort Myers.  We are excited about this new location and our new status as “permanent residents” but that doesn’t mean that we are going to rush down there.  We are, as always, going to enjoy the travel and visit some new places and re-visit some places that we like.  And, of course, we will visit Jett’s family in Virginia.

TS4 Segment 1

TS4 Segment 1 plan

The first segment of the trip, from Phillipston MA to Walland TN, will take 17 nights over 8 hops and 1292 miles. The stops:

  1. Schenectady NY. We will spend 3 nights at the Arrowhead Marina and RV Park where we stayed last year and enjoyed very much. Our two days will be spent touring Jett’s old haunts in and near Albany and a day seeking some of my ancestors’ graves near West Camp NY.
  2. Watkins Glen NY. We have never been to the Finger Lakes region of NY and will have a weekend to see what is there.
  3. Bedford PA. We will have one free day here and will probably spend it visiting the Flight 93 National Memorial near Shanksville PA.
  4. Lorton VA. This will be a week visiting family but will be unique in that we will need to move the RV twice during the 5 days in Lorton due to booking difficulties.  That should be… fun.
  5. Dumfries VA.  This is just a few miles from Lorton and we are doing the 2 nights in Dumfries to see if this location has anything to offer.  We have had so many problems scheduling visits to Pohick Bay Regional Park that we need to investigate alternatives.  Between Lorton and Dumfries we will spend an entire week in the Alexandria area.
  6. Keeling VA. This will be just an overnight stop.
  7. Swannanoa NC. We will spend 2 nights here but have no particular activities planned.  Maybe see if the area survived Hurricane Florence.
  8. Walland TN. This location was chosen for being midway between Pigeon Forge (and Dollywood) and Tellico Village (where our Gulf Waters TN friends live).  We will visit friends one day and Dollywood the other day.
TS5 Segment 2 plan

TS4 Segment 2 plan

We will spend 3 nights in Walland, then start the second segment of the TS4.  It will also take 17 nights over 7 hops with a total of 1076 miles.  The stops in this segment:

  1. Smyna TN. This will be a 3-night stop near Nashville. We visited Nashville before, on the GTW, but felt that we didn’t get the real Nashville experience because the place was overrun with Steelers fans in town for a Thursday night football game.  Hopefully we will get a more authentic Nashville experience this time.
  2. Chattanooga TN.  This will be an opportunity to visit Lookout Mountain and other nearby Civil War sites.
  3. Stone Mountain GA.  We will visit Stone Mountain, a popular tourist destination.  We hope to spend a day visiting Atlanta as well.
  4. Tifton GA. This is planned as a 2-night stop but we really have no plans for the area so it could be cut to 1.
  5. Homosassa FL. We were here before and really liked the area.  We hope to re-visit the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park and view the manatees again.
  6. Bushnell FL. This is our de facto home, though we have never lived here.  We hope to attend the Escapees Chapter 57 Rally and, possibly, vote as we will be here for the 2018 election.
  7. Fort Myers FL. Home at last.

By this plan – which, as always, is subject to change – we will arrive in Fort Myers on Friday November 9.  The totals for the TS4 as planned are 15 hops, 37 nights and 2368 miles.  I have booked the stops for the first segment but have not yet booked the second segment, so those stops are more likely to change.

Categories: MA, NC, NY, PA, Places, TN, TS4, VA | Leave a comment

“Just Take My Heart” by Mary Higgins Clark

Simon & Schuster, 2009

I am not a huge fan of Mary Higgins Clark.  I find her plots to be contrived and the characters thin.  But I have to admit that she is easy to read.  Short chapters and no long dialogs.  I read this book in less than a week, which is fast for me given all of my other interests and activities.

The protagonist in this mystery is Emily Wallace, an assistant DA who is both a war widow (her husband was killed in Iraq) and a heart transplant survivor (hence the title).  She is given a plum assignment: prosecuting the husband of a prominent stage actress  who was accused of murdering her in a fit of rage because she was leaving him.  The key witness was a scumbag jailhouse snitch who had a meeting in a bar – witnessed by the defendant’s friends – and, he claimed, a subsequent meeting in the defendant’s home where he remembered many details of the living room, including, most significantly, a side table drawer that squeaked when pulled open.  The defendant had a plausible explanation for the first meeting but could not explain how the snitch knew about the squeaky drawer.  He was convicted, over the protests of the victim’s mother, who believed him to be innocent.  And Emily, rather than being jubilant over her big victory, found herself wondering whether she had sent an innocent man to jail for life.

But there were no other suspects… or were there?  The victim had a roommate many years earlier who was dating a married man.  The victim never met this man but did, just once, see a photo that the roommate had secreted in her purse.  When the roommate was brutally murdered she had the police draw a composite sketch based on her memory of the photo, but the culprit was never identified.  When Emily’s doubts about the guilt of the husband grew, she decided to reopen the investigation into the earlier murder and found that the sketch in the original homicide file did not match the one they had obtained when investigating the later murder of the actress.  Why were the sketches different?  The answer to that question, of course, led to catching the guy who murdered both women.

Meanwhile… and this is where the implausible Mary Higgins Clark plot emerges – Emily’s neighbor, who is a serial killer, is stalking her for no good reason, it appears, other than the book needed another villain.  He almost gets her, but doesn’t, due to another killer showing up at the same time.  Uh… yeah.  Well, it is implausible but an easy read.

The heart transplant is another plot device that has no real use other than to give the book its title.  It comes into play in a twist at the very end, also in a most implausible way.

Silly plot twists, but very readable.

7 out of 10.

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Sparky’s immigrant ancestors, 2018 update

Since I have summarized my research into Jett’s immigrant ancestors, I will also summarize mine, for comparison purposes.

I have identified 193 immigrant ancestors – many fewer than Jett’s count due to many of the immigrants being more recent than hers. The VA/MD branch is a little shaky, but solid enough to be included. I summarize a couple of relevant demographics here.

By country of birth:
  England          129
  Netherlands       26
  Scotland           9
  Germany            9
  Norway             5
  France             5
  Prussia            4
  Wales              3
  Ireland            1
  Poland             1
  unknown            1

By place of death:
  MA                58
  VA                39
  NY                30
  CT                20
  WI                14
  NJ                 9
  NH                 5
  MD                 5
  IL                 2
  ND                 2
  PA                 1
  At sea             3
  England            2
  Barbados           1
  unknown            2

Most of my immigrant ancestors were born in northern Europe and what is now the United Kingdom.  Most died on the east coast of the US, but a few made it to WI and IL.  The geographical dispersion is greater for my ancestors than for Jett’s.  As with Jett’s Irish ancestors, relatively few of my ancestors come from Norway but they are recent, giving them an outsized influence in my genetic composition.

I do not have any Mayflower ancestors, but I do have some early American ancestors – both in Jamestown VA and in the New York City (New Amsterdam) areas.  Some were in America as early as 1613 – 7 years before the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts.  I also have something in my ancestry that makes Jett envious: I have one ancestor who is not only full-blooded Native American, but an Indian princess, the daughter of the tribal chief.  Eat your heart out, Jett.

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