STW2 Hop 5: Interior SD to Rapid City SD

STW2 Hop 5

STW2 Hop 5

87 miles via US 44 and US 16. Cumulative tow miles: 878. Truck miles: 163. Cumulative truck miles: 1118.

This was a “bonus hop” – a hop that was added to our original plan. I had planned to spend 3 nights in Spearfish SD, using one of the days to visit Mt Rushmore. But when I saw how far Rushmore was from Spearfish – almost 70 miles – and how close we would be as we passed by, I decided that it would make more sense to make a one-night stop near Rushmore, then move on to Spearfish for 2 nights.

I hadn’t booked any of these stops, so I didn’t have to change any reservations. But I was a bit surprised to discover that the campgrounds were still pretty full after Labor Day. I couldn’t book my first choice in Rapid City and I also had to take my second choice in the stop after Spearfish, in Medora ND. I might have to rethink my “no need to book early” policy.

The trip was very scenic. US 44 is a lonely, wide-open road through Badlands-type terrain (including a short stretch through the Badlands National Park). Then, as we approached Rapid City, the Black Hills appeared. The last 10 miles on US 16 had some serious upgrades to deal with, including a 3-mile section at 6%. Good practice for the diesel engine before we get to the mountains.

Our home in Interior was the Badlands/White River KOA. This is a large (over 200 sites) KOA campground about 4 miles outside Interior (population 88). As Interior has one combination general store/gas station, two bars and not much else, you could say that the KOA is in the middle of nowhere. This view is reinforced by the almost total lack of Verizon cell phone and hotspot service (except to the JetPack hotspot – see the earlier post). The appeal of the location is its proximity to the Badlands National Park (which I will describe separately). Because there isn’t much available nearby, the campground has a well-stocked campground store and has a grill that offers tasty meals for breakfast and dinner. We ate there last night – Jett had a hamburger with potato salad and I had a buffalo burger with cole slaw. Both were very good. I believe that was the first buffalo burger that I every had. It probably won’t be my last.

Spooky sunset

Spooky sunset

The campground also supplied free WiFi which was mostly very good, except for late night when everyone was surfing.

Our site was a sufficiently-large pull-through site adjacent to both the dog park and the campground owner’s site. It was also just a few steps to the campground laundromat which we also used last night. Clean underwear!

Western South Dakota has experienced severe drought this summer, so the grass was burnt out and everything was pretty dusty. There were also wildfires far to the west, in Montana, which gave us a haze both days, particularly yesterday. The sun, as it neared sundown, was blood red. Very spooky.

We liked this campground a lot, despite the communication challenges. We would return.

Dog park

Dog park

Our site

Our site







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Wall Drug

Wall Drug

Wall Drug

If you travel anywhere near South Dakota, you will see signs for Wall Drug in Wall SD. Lots of signs. As you get within 100 miles the signs appear about every quarter mile. I don’t know how many billboards Wall Drug rents, but it must be thousands.

Eventually your curiosity will get the better of you and you just have to go see it. And we did. I was braced for disappointment, like I had experienced just a few days before at the Corn Palace in Mitchell SD. Or like the disappointment we felt last year at South of the Border, a sad relic from a pre-Interstate past.

Arrow in rig

Arrow in rig

But we weren’t disappointed in Wall Drug. It occupies a full city block (if a block in a town of 800 can be called a “city block”). It is mostly a souvenir shop but, yes, about 2% of its floor space is still a drug store. It also has amusements for the kids and a huge café (capacity 540) offering “free ice water” (which is how it became a tourist destination) and 5 cent coffee (“not bad” according to Jett). We ate lunch in the café and had excellent open-face roast beef at a very reasonable price. And some delicious donuts for dessert.

Wall Drug is surrounded by other tourist-oriented businesses which were also interesting. Jett bought an authentic handmade arrow at one which we have hung as a decoration in our rig.

Jackaloo photo op

Jackaloo photo op

Free water park

Free water park

Flowers at Wall Drug

Flowers at Wall Drug

Categories: Adventures, Places, SD, STW | 1 Comment

Things I don’t understand, wifi edition

We are staying in a place (Interior, SD) with almost no Verizon service. It takes minutes to get or send a text message. If a call is received (and Jett’s phone did ring once), the call is immediately dropped. I can’t use the internet on my phone. My phone’s hotspot is 100% dead. So why does my other Verizon hotspot – my old JetPack – work fine? It actually works better here than it did back in IA and MN. Quick page loads, never a dropped connection. I am using it now to post this. I just don’t get it. No cell phone service but the hotspot works great. Why?

Categories: Commentary, Places, RV Living, SD, STW | Leave a comment

STW2 Hop 4: Mitchell SD to Interior SD

STW2 Hop 4

STW2 Hop 4

217 miles via I-90, SD 244, SD 370 and SD 44. Cumulative tow miles: 791. Truck miles: 227. Cumulative truck miles: 955.

This hop revealed the full drama of the South Dakota landscape. The first 80 miles, from Mitchell to the Missouri River, was flat and boring. Then, suddenly, a big dip to the river and, once across, the landscape simply bubbled up: sharp hills, a change from corn to wheat and sunflowers. Then an exit off of I-90 and suddenly the jagged, jarring Badlands appeared like a slap in the face.

The hills west of the Missouri really put a dent into our mileage and I got concerned that we would run short of fuel. I decided to make an impromptu refueling stop in Murdo SD. It was expensive ($2.90 per gallon), but it bought me some peace of mind. As it turned out, that was a good decision. Interior SD (population 67) doesn’t have much to offer, including places to get diesel fuel.

We will be staying near the Badlands for 3 days, so I hope to get some great photos.

Our overnight home in Mitchell was the Dakota Campground. This is a very small (about 55 sites) campground with basic facilities. It was just for a night, so we didn’t need much. But we liked it. If we ever find ourselves in Mitchell again we would stay there.

But why go back to Mitchell? The main attraction in Mitchell – and the reason I wanted to stay there – was so see the Corn Palace. I had moderately fond memories of this strange building from when I was 12 and traveled with my parents to Denver, with a stop in Mitchell. This was a building that was covered with corn – cobs of corn, corn husks, corn stalks. Murals made out of corn decorated the interior. Odd, but strangely interesting.

#39 - South Dakota

#39 – South Dakota

Well, at some point the city fathers of Mitchell decided that the turn-of-the-century (the 20th century, not the 21st) Corn Palace needed to be replaced and thought that they would combine the need for a new Corn Palace with a need for a new sports arena. So now you have this modern building that looks interesting on the outside, but the corn murals on the inside are high above a basketball court and are covered with championship banners. Anyone who actually wanted to see the corn murals would be as disappointed as I was. A huge letdown. If you are thinking of visiting the Corn Palace, my advice is: don’t bother.

Our night in Mitchell allowed us to add South Dakota to our map. Our 39th state.

Corn Palace interior

Corn Palace interior

Corn Palace exterior

Corn Palace exterior

Categories: MN, Places, Routes, RV Parks, SD, STW | Leave a comment

STW2 Hop 3: Fairmont MN to Mitchell SD

STW2 Hop 3

STW2 Hop 3

192 miles via I-90. Cumulative tow miles: 574. Truck miles: 207. Cumulative truck miles: 728.

It doesn’t get any simpler than this: get on I-90, go almost 200 miles, get off. A straight shot west. Boring, but very efficient. No stops whatsoever, until we got close to the destination and got lost for about a minute. Easy peasy.

#38 - Minnesota

#38 – Minnesota

Our one-night stop in MN (which gave us our 38th state) was at the Flying Goose Campground and Resort, a converted chicken farm in Fairmont MN. One of the old chicken coops has been converted into a public building containing showers, a laundromat and a small meeting room. It sounds worse that it was. The whole campground, in fact, was quite nice. Very well maintained. It seemed to have a lot of seasonal campers, most of whom were not there that night. But, overall, we liked the park a lot – especially our HUGE pull-through. And the price (under $29) was very nice, too. We would come back here.

Our site

Our site



Wooded seasonal sites

Wooded seasonal sites



Categories: MN, Places, Routes, RV Parks, SD, STW, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

High school plus 50

When I graduated from high school at 18 the thought of getting back together 50 years later was like looking into a distant mirror: you couldn’t see the image very clearly and, in truth, it seemed illusory. Now, looking back 50 years, the image is very clear and the mirror seems very close. Those 50 years sure went by quickly.

If I had to guess, 50 years ago, what my classmates would look like at 68, I would have guessed that many would be obese, that most would have white hair (or no hair), that walkers would abound and that generally we would look like we had one foot in the grave. I have to say that I was very wrong about that. My classmates looked remarkably fit and generally looked younger than their years. Maybe the ones I imagined stayed home (our turnout was only about one-quarter of the survivors), but the ones that showed up looked great. I think most will make it to our 60th. I hope to be there to find out.





Ra, Roger, Bunny

Ray, Roger, Bunny

Mark, Junko and Alice

Mark, Junko and Alice

Alice and Dick

Alice and Dick



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STW2 Hop 2: Oelwein IA to Fairmont MN

STW2 Hop 2

STW2 Hop 2

202 miles via IA 281, US 218, US 18, I-35 and I-90. Cumulative tow miles: 382. Truck miles: 341. Cumulative truck miles: 521.

Another easy trip through beautiful farmland, with a couple of Amish buggies at the start. Nice day, flat terrain, a good audio book (Every 15 Minutes by Lisa Scottoline) to listen to… a good day on the road. Parts of I-90 were pretty rough, but no damage. Just about 3:10 door-to-door.

Our Iowa home was the Lakeshore RV Resort and Campground in Oelwein MN. This park was surprising in several respects. First, the entrance is a disaster – it looks like you are entering a gravel pit or a auto salvage yard.  The roads are narrow (we had to very carefully navigate around a large rock). When we arrived the office was closed (at 2:30 pm!) and I had to call a number.  I was given verbal instructions where to park.

Not a great start.

But things got better.

Swim platform

Swim platform

We got set up and I took Rusty for a walk.  And then the good surprises started to unfold. The recreational facilities – a beach volleyball court, a playground and a beach with a floating platform – were in great shape and very appealing.  Most surprising was the mini-golf course which was very difficult (but not unfair) and a lot of fun.  I played about a half dozen times (it was free!) and finally got my score down to 25.  No pool and no cable TV, but we pulled in 12 channels over the air.  We would definitely stay here again.

We had two adventures during our free day in Oelwein. The planned one was a trip to the Field of Dreams movie site in Dyersville IA. I was expecting something very commercialized, with an admission. I can’t say that I was disappointed to discover that it is free of charge. Yes, there is a souvenir shop, but you are free to wander around the field – or play ball on it – without supervision. I got some nice photos. It was very cool to be on the actual field where Kevin Costner “had a catch” with his dead father. Or to walk into the corn field, just like James Earl Jones. A very high coolness-to-price ratio.

Our site

Our site



The other adventure was dinner. We decided to seek out a sit-down restaurant in downtown Oelwein. There weren’t many options but Valone’s Family Restaurant offered breakfast all day which Jett likes, so we gave it a shot. We didn’t do breakfast, but the meals we selected – fried chicken for me, pork tenderloin for Jett – turned out to be better than we had any right to expect. My chicken was perfectly deep-fried with a crusty batter that was reminiscent of tempura. Jett’s pork tenderloin was breaded and fried, which initially disappointed Jett. Until she tasted it. It was probably the most tender, most finely seasoned pork she has ever had. I had a very nice piece of strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert. Even the coffee – which is generally very weak in diners like Valone’s – was very good. Bottom line: an exceptionally fine dinner at a very reasonable price with excellent service (thanks, Mary!). If you are ever in Oelwein, check out Valone’s.

#37 - Iowa

#37 – Iowa

With our two nights in Iowa we were able to add our 37th state to our map.
Field of Dreams

Field of Dreams

Categories: Adventures, IA, MN, Places, Routes, RV Parks, STW | Leave a comment

STW2 Hop 1: Stoughton WI to Oelwein IA

STW2 Hop 1

STW2 Hop 1

180 miles via US 51, US 151, US 20 and IA 150.

I have been to Dubuque before, but it has probably been over 60 years. Things have changed. The route – primarily US 151 – is a very nice 4-lane road that winds and dips through some beautiful rural countryside. Despite the intermittent rain, we enjoyed the ride very much.

Cornfields beyond the sites

Cornfields beyond the sites

Our home for the 8 days in the Madison area was the Viking Village Campground in Stoughton WI, about 15 miles from downtown Madison. It is pretty basic, as campgrounds go – it has a pool and a covered picnic area and not much else. But it has expansive grounds nested amid cornfields and some interesting wildlife. We observed prairie dogs, colorful songbirds and Sandhill cranes while we were there – none of which I had ever seen in the 18 years I spent in the area as a child.

Our site was a back-in which was a little cramped getting into, but once situated we had a lot of privacy. Our back window overlooked a large wooded grassy area. The park was less than half full, so for most of the stay we had an unobstructed view down to the huge front lawn.

The park has an interesting history. You can read about it below.

Madison doesn’t offer a lot of campgrounds, so their competition is not intense, but we would stay here again.

Volleyball and minigolf

Volleyball and minigolf

Viking Village history

Viking Village history

Categories: IA, Places, Routes, RV Parks, STW, WI | Leave a comment

STW1 wrapup and STW2 preview

We have completed the first segment of the Second Trip West. Time for a wrapup.

7 hops covering 27 days. 1439 tow miles, 2936 truck miles. Total campground cost: $1,344.68 ($49.80 per night). The most expensive stop was at the Niagara Falls KOA where I paid a premium for the not-very-premium premium site – nearly $100 per night.

#36 - Wisconsin

#36 – Wisconsin

The highlights:

  • The 50th high school reunion. It was great seeing my old friends, some of whom I have known since kindergarten – over 60 years!
  • Two really good graveyard trips, the first to the Ripon WI area where I had a very nice mini-reunion with some of my cousins.
  • Two dinners – one sitdown, one takeout – at Paisan’s which is still, in my humble view, the best pizza restaurant in the world.
  • My first trip on the Maid of the Mist at Niagara Falls.
  • Boldt Castle in Alexandria Bay NY.
  • Greenfield Village in Dearborn MI.
  • The spectacular campsite on the Mohawk River (Arrowhead Marina and RV Park).
  • Beautiful and spacious Haas Lake Campground in New Hudson MI.
  • Indiana Dunes State Park in Chesterton MI.
  • Adding 4 states to our map: Ohio, Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin.
  • Some really good photos.

There weren’t any horrible experiences, but there were some disappointments. The lowlights:

  • A failure to learn much about Jett’s roots in Watervliet NY.
  • An inability to find my ancestor’s graves in Mayfield OH.
  • The very strange and rough-hewn Woodside Lake Park in Streetsboro OH.
  • Getting charged $1.50 extra to pick sourdough instead of white for a sandwich at the Koffee Kup in Stoughton WI.
  • The miserable nearly 5-hour trip through Chicago.

The second segment of the trip west – STW2 – will take us from Madison WI to and through Yellowstone National Park. The plan has us traveling almost 1700 miles over 20 days in 9 hops. We will add Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana and Wyoming to our map, raising our state count to 42.

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Indiana Dunes State Park

Kids on dunes

Kids on dunes

While in Indiana on Saturday I took the opportunity to check out the Indiana Dunes State Park. I was expecting expansive Sahara-style dunes and some great photo ops. Well, not quite. I did get some photo ops, but the dunes were not expansive and they were mostly covered with vegetation. The park is mostly a beach. A very nice beach, to be sure, but a beach. It appears that the biggest draw was the 10 hiking trails. If I had been wearing better hiking gear (I wore sandals) and had more time I would have liked to have tried them.

So… not a waste of time, but somewhat disappointing.



Lifeguard and industry

Lifeguard and industry



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